December 3, 2,003
Normal Levels At Last!

Kingdom Of God reached a goal They have been striving for yesterday.  For the first time since Jesus' betrayal for Clinton in '98 Its energy levels have returned to normal!  A sudden surge of power from throughout The United States yesterday brought levels up to their normal state.  Of course this has been accomplished with very drastic means; the spiritual dead zones, and the taking of power directly from those who oppose The Kingdom Of God's efforts in certain areas and giving it to those that support them.  But finally energy levels are back to normal, and it is hoped that if the increases continue some of the more disliked ways of gathering energy can be slowly discontinued.  But to do that Jesus needs response, He needs acknowledgment from those He is trying to reach.  The good need to support His causes, not with man's solutions, but with His.
We were asked what Jesus thinks of The Geneva Accord that states Jerusalem should become the capitol of both Israel and The Palestinian State and that The Palestinians should be given The Temple Mount.  Jesus' answer is "Never!  Never, under any circumstances will my peoples' Most Sacred Ground be given to those who promote their cause by murdering women and children, by attacking the innocent.  Never will these foul creatures be given control of the ground where I prayed, where I worshipped!  The Temple Mount belongs to my people, belongs to Israel, to no one else, and it will never be given to anyone else.  Better all of mankind perish and the world turn to dust before this abominable evil be allowed!"  Well, I guess Jesus made His feelings on that quite clear!
The amount of energy The Kingdom Of God is expending, however, is greater than it has ever been before.  In no time since recorded history has mankind been given more energy from The Afterlife!  People are conserving energy throughout The Afterlife and every bit that can be used to reach the living is being used.  Angelic Messengers from people that steadfastly support Jesus in the material world are being withdrawn from them and used to contact those in The Anglican Church that Jesus is trying to get to fight the sodomization of their church.  Each message we send to them is now accompanied by ten Angelic Messengers who pour Their power into those receiving them and cry "Believe!  Believe!  This is from The Son Of God."  The Kingdom Of God is putting out everything Its got, and the whole Afterlife is supporting Them.  But still Jesus is ignored.  People pay lip service to His Cause but do nothing. But The Kingdom Of God will never give up until the point of no return is reached, 'til the human race starts dying because they have lost their spiritual energy.  They will try right to the end to save mankind.  But does mankind want to be saved?  They seem determined to commit suicide.
Jesus is quite pleased, however, that The Catholic Church and The Orothodox Church have broken their connections  with the American Anglicans because of their acceptance of sodomy.  He cannot understand why the true believers in the church do not see the significance of this and act accordingly.  Those who truly believe must separate themselves from those who are sodomizing their children, who are destroying their souls!  And they must do so quickly!  They cannot wait for committees to tell them that unity is all that matters and they should accept the difference of others and keep them in their churches.  There are some things that cannot be accepted!
Again Jesus calls the true leaders of The Anglican Church here, to Fargo, North Dakota, and asks them to declare their separation from those who have defiled their church on Christmas Day, and form a new church based on righteousness and, the truth of God.  Again He declares that He will personally bestow God's power and God's glory on every bishop that comes so that the new church will have as best a possible beginning as it can have.  "God's power awaits you!" He cries, "God's glory is yours, if you will but take it!  I appoint each of you that truly resists this evil, that stands against it, the leaders of your church.  I withdraw all sanctity, all holiness from any leader of the church that accepts homosexuality, that says it is acceptable for the sake of unity.  They are an abomination, a curse.  They are not the servants of God, but the servants of creatures of Darkness.  They are, themselves, becoming creatures of Darkness, demons, and their goal is to destroy mankind.  I charge you, in The Name Of God, The Father, to defeat them, to rise against them, not in hate, not in injustice, but in the love of God, for by denying them you will save many of them.  You must understand this and answer my call, answer the call of God, The Father, who has chosen you from out of men to serve Him, and given you His power and His glory.  Rejecting that power and that glory is something you do not want to do.  Take what God has given you!  Use it, and you will be glorified by man, as well as God!"

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We have talked a lot about executions on The Old Worlds, and the question has been asked by some, what were the most prevalent modes of execution?
Well, as we have often said, the most common form of executions among The Havens was to be burned alive.
Among The Hashons the common mode of execution was beheadings, then your body was cremated.
Among The Peepians the most prevalent form of execution was suffocation.
Most certainly Those on The Old Worlds didn't believe in wasting a lot of effort with executions.

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