November 5, 2,003
Best Celebration Ever

Everyone in The Afterlife overjoyed with this year's Halloween celebrations!  For the first time in history The Leaders Of The Kingdom Of God, including Jesus, entered The Spiritist Republic and actually took part in celebrations honoring Our Ancestors!  I cannot describe to you what a delightful time was had by all.  The only thing that marred it slightly was that there was a minor skirmish between Queen Diana's followers and The Queen Mother's followers.  A function was being had for Queen Diana and The Queen Mother's people tried to break it up, saying that she wasn't royalty, and did not deserve such honors.  The Queen Mother has again been warned that she must keep her followers in control or she will be expelled from The Kingdom Of God!  Aside from that everything has been going very well.
Jesus continues to reach out to The Anglicans.  Below is a copy of a transmission that was sent to them yesterday.  Jesus is still trying to rally His Forces and take His people out of those churches that have accepted homosexuality.  He is determined to succeed!

Greetings My Brothers & Sisters In Africa!

My tremendous joy to you that you are standing fast against the evil that has come into your church, and against your leadership that in the name of unity will permit it!  Below is a message I recently sent to your American brothers and sisters who also oppose this evil.  I ask you, in the name of God The Father, to contact your American allies and ask them to fulfill my wishes, and not to delay.  The creatures of darkness that have infiltrated your church are trying to delay your efforts with a committee researching the problem.  This is a deception.  What they are trying to do is keep you from acting until those that they have ordained are so entrenched in their positions that the people will accept them, and say that unity is better than separation.  You must not allow this!  You must encourage all those in fellowship with you to reject this committee, reject The Archbishop Of Canterbury, and to unite to form a true and righteous church.  Delaying will fortify the enemy, will strengthen the evil, and God The Father does not wish this.  I ask you to encourage all associated with you to act, now, and not delay.
I have also sent this message to newspapers throughout The United States, and I have been deeply angered that some of these publications have sent my correspondence back saying that it is pornographic!  They call my pronouncements, they call the messages of God pornographic!  I cannot describe my anger towards them.  The creatures of Darkness rule the American media, they do not want the truth to be heard.  I ask you to contact your local media and have them publish my words, have them tell your brothers and sisters what I am saying.  And if you have contacts in the American media reach out to them and say to them, "Please, please spread the word of what The Lord Of Heaven is saying!  Help us stand against this evil!"
If we cannot turn back this obscenity, if we cannot stop this sodomy, all of mankind may be lost, and that cannot be allowed!  The people must be rallied, the struggle must be fought now, it cannot be delayed a year, a month, a week, or, a day.  The struggle must be fought now!  God is with you.  I bestow on you all His power and glory that I can from a distance.  I would be among you if I could, and through my beloved Demetrius lay my hands on you and say "Behold, here are God's Chosen!"  But all that I can do now is send you my words, and pray to God The Father that you will follow them.  I hope that you will follow His Wisdom and do so.

Yours In His Devoted Service Now And Forever,

Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ

The latest issue of Voices From Spirit Magazine is online!  You can keep track of what has been happening for the last few months, if you've missed anything, plus, there are some new articles, especially items on The Old Worlds, which people seem to enjoy so much, another one of my life stories, some people aren't gonna like this one, and an Ancient One story which fewer people are going to like!

We constantly get complaints about my life stories saying "Give us a break!  There couldn't be people that stupid!  Nobody could be that dumb!  Nobody would really act like that!"  The only thing I can say is "Oh, yes they can!"

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