December 10, 2,003
Free China!  Get Well, Ozzy!

Jesus deeply disappointed Bush supporting Communist China against Taiwan, that he is selling out the Taiwanese people for the sake of trade.  Jesus will remind Bush that He does not recognize the Communist government in China because it rules by tyranny, that that government has, and continues to torture and murder the true believers because of their faith.  People claiming to represent the communist government in The Afterlife are not even allowed in The Kingdom Of God.  Jesus recognizes Taiwan as an independent nation, a totally different people, a totally different culture to the mainland.  He also recognizes Tibet as an independent nation, whose people are being murdered by the corrupt nation that has subjected it.  Bush is appeasing the tyrants.  Let us hope he does not suffer the same fate as Chamberlain did with Hitler.  The United States never should have started trade with China until China withdrew from Tibet and recognized the independent sovereignty of Taiwan.  The Kingdom Of God continues to attack Communist China and will continue to attack Communist China until its people can live there in peace, unmolested, openly practicing their faith.
Someone asked "Doesn't John Lennon send his regards to Ozzy Osborne?"  He most certainly does, and so does George Harrison!  They wish him a speedy and complete recovery, and say "Hey, old man!  You're not as young as you used to be.  Slow down a little bit.  We want you to continue to entertain the living for quite a while yet.  We don't want you over Here, underfoot!  We've got enough problems!  Truly, old friend, best wishes!"

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