December 15, 2,003
A Special Christmas Gift

December 13, 2,003

With the power levels in The Kingdom Of God returning to normal for the first time since 1998 when Jesus was betrayed, Jesus has thought that He wants to do something very special for Christmas in the way of celebration to reward people in the material world for returning His power to Him, though there have still been some setbacks.  He wants to reach out to the human race with some gesture of kindness.  So it has been decided that for all of Christmas Day the wrath of God will be shut off in all the world except one place, actually towards one people.
For 24 hours beginning at sunset Christmas Eve, Jerusalem time, to sunset Christmas Day, Jerusalem time, God will not direct His anger to anyone on Earth except to the Anglicans of New Hampshire who support homosexuality.  God's wrath will be held back from the Muslim Fundamentalists committing terrorist attacks, from The Palestinians sending suicide bombers, from all doing evil in the world the Angels will turn God's anger away from them and direct it to New Hampshire.  For 24 hours only one people will receive God's damnation, only the Anglicans in New Hampshire that support homosexuality will receive God's negativity.  The entire rest of the world will receive His blessings and glory!  The Power Of The Most High will be poured into every people.  They will be touched with the love and the truth of God for one day, while others draw the rage and the anger of God.  Maybe those not receiving God's wrath for 24 hours and receiving only His Glory will find it so pleasant that they may turn away from their evil, preferring to receive God's blessings every day.  We can only dream!  We believe in miracles!

December 14, 2,003

Entire Afterlife cheering Muhammed's success Hussein is in custody!  The coward showed his real character by trying to hide in a hole instead of fighting or blowing himself up like he had promised his followers.  Now Muhammed's goal is a speedy trial and a swift execution.  But Hussein's European allies, the French and the Germans will be screaming for amnesty.  They'll probably expect that he be sent into exile. But Muhammed will demand justice, and hopefully he will get it.  As far as The Kingdom Of God is concerned he had better get it. This ads even more joy to Jesus' announcement of yesterday.  Everybody in The Afterlife is joyously singing the "Hussein's Butt Song".

December 15, 2,003

Below is a letter we received after mailing the first portion of today's email to newspapers across the country.  It so appalls us that newspapers have people like this on their staffs who treat decent people contacting them so despisably.  If I was running a publication I would not have employees like this.  If they disagreed with writers they would answer them far more cordially.

From: "Dawna Argenbright"
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: A Special Christmas Gift

You are obviously insane. What's so sad, pathetic and disgusting is that there are people out there who are equally insane, and ignorant, and who will join you in your ridiculous attacks on everyone who isn't just like you.
I am so sick of you fundamentalist weirdos persecuting everyone else on this planet.
Look, here's a little example of what's called critical thinking. See if you can get your tiny pea brain to understand some logic: The Christian Bible says being gay is bad, right? That's why you claim it's OK to hate gays so much. So, there were gay people 2,000 years ago, when the Bible was written, right? Of course. And there are gay people today. Of course. So, what makes more sense: That God has been creating gay people all along, or that for 2,000 years there has been some worldwide conspiracy turning people gay?
The Bible was written by human beings, right? Of course. Human beings make mistakes, right? Of course. So, parts of the Bible could be simply wrong. By contrast, God is never mistaken. God is always right. And God has continued to create gay people for some reason. We'll never understand why; it's a matter to be taken on faith, that God has some plan for gays.  So, gays are God's children as well, and worthy of the same love and acceptance as all the rest of God's children. Did you ever stop to think that maybe God is putting gays before you to test YOU, to determine the true nature of YOUR SOUL?
 Chew on that for awhile.
And stop writing to people like me who have no interest in your pathetic rhetoric.


Your perversion is only surpassed by your ignorance!  How you must fear what we have to say because you have to attack us so viciously.
First of all we're not fundamentalists.  We disagree with many of the fundamentalists' doctrines.

Secondly, God did not create homosexuals.  God created male and female, God created perfection.  Long before the beginning of Christianity man perverted God's perfection and created homosexuality.  And those that understand the truth have been fighting it ever since, and will continue to fight it as long as they have breath.  What you practice is a sickness.  What you teach others is a sickness made by man, not by God.

Thirdly, we do not attack everyone who is not just like us.  We have the deepest resepect for Hindus, Buddhists, Confucists, many of differing beliefs.  We do not attack other religions unless they are shedders of blood or teach perversion.  We relish difference but we do not condone sickness that destroys everyone around it.

Fourthly, Yes, homosexuals are God's children too, and He wishes with all of His being to bring them back to His fellowship, to bring them back to His purpose.  God does not hate the homosexual, He hates the sickness and must oppose and stop the sickness.  When the homosexual returns to what God has intended for them, the male and female relationship, God joyously welcoms them back into His fellowship.  But as long as they wallow in their own lust, in their perversion, He cannot accept them.

Fifthly, we do not write to people like you.  We write to publications that should have people on their staff that respect the opinions of others, not people like you trying to spread your poison to the children of the world and corrupt them.  By the way, we've checked through our email list.  The email you responded to us on isn't on it.  As far as we can tell we've never written to you.  If you don't like our comments you should pass them on to some other member of your staff who does not share your sick views and let them deal with it.  You should not respond to messages from decent people with your sick hate.  Chew on that for a while!

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