December 18, 2,003
50% Female

We have been mentioning the make up of the tribunal Muhammed wants to try Hussein and someone has asked "You have not mentioned the gender of these proposed Judges.  do you intend that they all be male?"  It never occurred to Muhammed to consider such a matter.  But of course at least 50% of the Judges could be female.  Actually he would prefer it!  He understands that a female Judge in Iran recently won The Nobel Peace Prize!  He would think she would be an excellent possibility to judge Hussein's guilt or innocence.  By no means does The Lord Of Islam want to keep this Tribunal only male!  50% or more of Hussein's victims were women.  They should be represented among those determining his fate.
Speaking of Islamic women, Muhammed has been approached by The Islamic People in The Afterlife who support women wearing the head scarf, and asked him to speak out against President Chirac of France for supporting the law forbidding the wearing of the scarf in public schools.  Muhammed's answer was "I certainly will not!  I have told you before I personally am against the scarf.  It has become a symbol of Islamic women's unquestioned submission, which I disapprove of.  I would not order any woman to take off the scarf in public, but I am against any laws forcing them to wear them, and in this particular situation support the law forbidding them.  The people of France have every right to keep religion out of their secular schools.  If The Islamic People want their daughters to wear the scarf in school let them start Islamic schools for them.  But this would be a mistake, as they get a much better education in the secular schools. Now go away!  You irritate me!"  The committee quickly departed because if there's one thing you don't want to do is irritate Muhammed!

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