December 19, 2,003
Marines Take The Lead

Had not intended an email this morning, but one of those crazy things happened that we just have to report.  I was checking the bulk mail at our main address because sometimes personal messages get put in there by mistake.  I came across one that looked like a personal message. It even had my name in it.  It said something like "Gerald, this is a must see.  It will really raise your pride in America!"  I opened it and it was a gay sex site.  I was going to click it off and then I happened to take a closer look at the ad picture and could not believe what I saw!  There were two young men in full Marine Corps dress uniforms having intimate relations with each other, VERY intimate relations with each other!  Below the picture in very large letters were the words "America's finest share their pride with each other.'  I immediately called my Spirit Worker and gave her the image.  "You better send this to The Commander Of The Corpss," I ordered, "in The Kingdom Of God."  She responded that she would immediately.
I had almost finished the email when my Worker summoned me. The Commander of The Corpss had gathered several other ranking officers and had gone to Jesus.  He wanted me to witness the audience. I did so.  I have to highly sensor what The Commander Of Corpss said but it was something like this.
"Lord Of Heaven, the homosexuals have disgraced us beyond all bearing!  They have shamed everything that we hold precious.  With deepest sincerity I ask You to expand Your attack on the homosexuals in New Hampshire to include all who teach this sickness, not just The Anglicans, and to allow The Corpss to lead the attack on Christmas Day.  We wish, sir, to avenge our honor, to answer this humiliation that The General has made us aware of, to bring as much misery to those who have disgraced our honor as we can!  We ask in all humility, Commander Of All Corpss, that you grant Your Loyal Fighting People Their request.  These homosexuals must be stopped.  They are destroying every decent thing that exists!  We also ask that The General report this incident so that the word will go out that the proud and the brave stand with you and fight those that will destroy every decent and precious thing in the world.  That, oh Lord Of Heaven, is our humble petition.  Please excuse my choice of words, my anger is almost beyond bearing!"
Jesus smiled.  "Under the circumstances," He answered, "I excuse your choice of words.  For I can understand how wounded is your honor and your pride.  So be it!  Let all you have said come to pass.  The Forces Of Heaven are honored that you ask to lead the battle on Their behalf. God's praise, God's glory to each and every one of you.  Let His power be in you.  Let you seek out and destroy those who have shamed your honor.  Let His might be in your hands!  Depart with His blessings!"
The Marine Corps Officers came to attention, saluted, and departed.
I wouldn't want to be a homosexual in New Hampshire Christmas Day because hell is coming towards them, hell called The Marines!

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