December 23, 2,003
Joy Beyond Belief

This will be the last email before Christmas.  I cannot describe to you the joy in The Kingdom Of God!  It is simply unbelievable!  The despair has been so bad the last few years that this opportunity simply to pour out Their love to Their loved ones all over the world is being greeted with a joy and happiness beyond the understanding of the living.  It is marred somewhat, by Jesus' sadness because those who rule the living will not answer Him, and he did not get to do some of the things He wanted to do Christmas Eve.  "I send my Angels," Jesus complains, "and they touch people, but people do not respond.  Some begin to do good, but we need much more."
The preparations to shut down the dead zones are just about completed, but everyone in The Afterlife wishes so much the shut down could be permanent, not just for twenty four hours.  But They will take even this relief from the suffering of Their loved ones.  The preparations to pour the wrath of God into the homosexual community in New Hampshire are complete.  It will be the greatest outpouring of God's rage against any group in history.  But it is considered that these foul creatures are now the focal point of The Dark One's attempt to destroy mankind, and it is imperative that their efforts to make this sickness publicly acceptable be stopped here, and that this be the turning point in driving this obscenity back into the Darkness, and ending the public's acceptance of it.  To concentrate all of God's rage into such a confined area is something that has never been done before.  We can only wait and see the results.  But as one of my Spirit Workers has said, "If these people don't feel this, if they're not sitting in despair and lamenting their evil all Christmas Day, they're all ready dead, they're all ready beyond all hope.  There is nothing left to reach.  Anyone that still has a Soul will feel this!"  As I say we can only wait and see!
There was a near disaster yesterday!  The Egyptians in The Afterlife became very upset by the attack on their Foreign Minister at the mosque in Jerusalem.  "They attacked our messengers of peace on sacred ground!" the Egyptians complained.  They are unholy and corrupt people beyond belief!  We withdraw our support for Father Abraham's Peace Plan.  We cannot abide these evil people.  We will not give them land for a New Palestine, nor will Egyptian troops be the peace keepers patrolling the borders between New Palestine and Israel.  We have had enough!  Let these people simply be destroyed, utterly and completely.  Let an end be put to them.  Let them cease to be, and then all the problems will be solved.  We are sick of them.  We can show them no more compassion, no more pity, no more mercy."  Jesus rushed to Cairo in The Afterlife, gathered all of Egypt's leaders and counseled with them.  Only His great persuasion and His great love made the Egyptian leaders reconsider.  Finally they said "Yes, Lord Of Heaven, we concede.  We will continue to support Father Abraham's Peace Plan.  We will encourage the living to do so.  We will help them understand that it is the will of all of Egypt who have come before.  But our patience grows very thin!  We are getting very, very tired of this ignorance, of these people that know only how to hate and have forgotten God's love."  Jesus assured them He understood.  All is still secure.  Egypt still supports Father Abraham's Peace Plan, but we do not know how many more acts of ignorance can be tolerated.  Time, for The Palestinians, is rapidly running out!  Here's the link to Father Abraham's Peace Plan.

That's about it!  We sincerely wish those receiving Their Loved Ones' joy receive it with happiness and good will.

*  *  *


We were discussing women's education the other day, and the people I was talking to were appalled when I told them that on my world, Haven, women were not allowed to be educated.  Girls were taught to read and enough arithmetic to handle the family accounts, but any official education beyond that was forbidden.  Girls could not even go to school.  There were some so-called boarding schools for girls who had lost their mothers and had no one to take them in.  But all these schools taught them to do was sew and cook, those sort of things, whatever was necessary to maintain a home.   My people had colonies in space, spacecraft that could go 700 times the speed of light, but in some things They were so backward and primitive that you wouldn't think it was possible.
The Hashons educated women to whatever level they could reach.  Some of Their finest leaders were female, some of Their best warriors, some of Their greatest scientists.
The Peepians, too, recognized the value of Their women, though it was a little bit harder for them to achieve if They had talent, They could rise to many positions, except the military.  Not until The Peepians joined The Republic did Their women begin to take positions in the military.  It simply does not seem possible that a race that reached the level that The Havens reached could do so and neglect half, better than half, Their talent, but this was the case.  Imagine what They could have achieved if Their women had been educated!

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