November 10, 2,003
Jesus Cries For The Wounded

Not too much new this morning except got a nice response from the Anglicans in Africa.  Some are interested in our proposal of coming to Fargo to separate themselves from the church that their archbishop has sodomized. Let's hope they can put this together!  Muhammed continues his efforts in Iraq.  It appears thirty days may not be enough time, and he has asked that the dead zones be left open another thirty days.  Jesus has said He will consider this and give His answer in a couple of days.
But Jesus is very upset about something we saw on television Friday.  We were watching Bill Moyer's Now on PBS, and they had a segment on about what was happening to wounded American troops from Afghanistan, and, Iraq, how The Veteran's Administration was abandoning them after they are discharged from the army, that many have to go into the welfare system and lose everything they have.  That it takes up to seven months for them to get appointments in VA hospitals. And what is the lame excuse that The Veterans' Administration is putting forward for these delays?  That their computer system, and the defense department's computer system is incompatible, that information can't be transferred from one to the other.
Jesus says "This situation is intolerable!  Senators are passing bills funding useless projects in their districts to get reelected.  Money is being spent for things so foolish and ridiculous that there is no sanity for it, yet wounded veterans must wait seven months for medical care?"  Though He is at odds with The United States over Israel He finds this situation totally unacceptable.  He says "Shame on you, George W. Bush!  Shame on every American that closes their eyes and allows this!  Do something!  Do something now!  If the veterans' hospitals can't handle the load have the wounded treated at local hospitals no matter how much it costs, and stop spending money on stupid things!  Take care of those that are fighting your nation's battles!"  I don't think Jesus is too pleased with American politics that basically sells out everybody to keep your party in power, even those who have served it the most!

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An associate asked a while back "You mentioned last issue that people still liked to hunt with bows and arrows on The Old Worlds.  How did They fish?"
Well, The Havens liked to spear fish.  Where They could fly They'd skim over the surface of the water until They spotted a fish, spear it, and pull it up.  They never developed other types of fishing.
The Hashons, however, could fly fish with any human.  The equipment was almost identical, and They loved the sport.  There were rivers that were kept pristine simply because they were excellent fishing places.
The Peepians, strangely, never developed sports fishing.  They learned to domesticate fish very early and there was  no sports type fishing at all.  But the other Old Races loved fishing!

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