November 17, 2,003
Way To Go, Paul!

Quite a bit from The Afterlife this morning!  First of course, we've been asked what John Lennon & George Harrison think of Paul McCartney remixing their last album, "Let It Be."  John's comments are "It's about time!  The first rendition just wasn't us.  I think Paul has done an excellent job!"  George says "Way to go, Paul! It's The Beatles again!"  I'd say they like it.
Got a request to ask Princess Di (now Queen Diana) what she thinks of the sexual allegations against Charles. I'm not sure what they're talking about.  But anyway, Diana says the charges are totally and completely ridiculous and anybody that believes them has to be as crazy as the person making them.  Charles was not interested in that kind of thing, whatsoever.  It's just completely ridiculous!
Also received a report that the person who broke into George Harrison's house and stabbed him was found not guilty by reason of insanity and we've been asked what George thinks of this.  George says "All well and good, as long as he's sent somewhere where he can't hurt anybody and kept there the rest of his life. He must never, ever be allowed to return to the streets where he might hurt someone else."
Speaking of George Harrison, he's very upset we haven't sold any copies of his ebook, "Wow!"  He was hoping it would sell so furiously that we could talk some young people who spoke German, French, Spanish, and Italian to translate it and put it up in their countries and we'd let them have 25% of the profits.  But I guess where the book isn't doing anything there wouldn't be any initiative to do that.  We were trying to email to newspapers around the world this weekend, telling them about George's ebook, hit the ones that had English versions, and that's usually only a couple of papers in each country, if any.  Some day we're going to have a staff that speaks virtually every language in the world and can handle correspondence for us in these languages.  Should have groups in every country already.
The dead zones in Iraq are back up and running.  Muhammed has withdrawn for a while, but we really think he did some good with this effort.  He really stirred things up!  The Saudi Arabians and The Turks should be more than willing to go after Al Quaida and The Baath Party members now!  Perhaps in a couple of months Jesus will give Muhammed free reign again, and he can go after the bad guys some more.
On another matter concerning George Harrison's "Wow!" we got the comment "You say on your web site that your religious teachings are supposed to be sold at cost or, given away free.  I find all you do rather questionable, especially your so-called histories of Jesus and Muhammed, which I consider ludicrous.  Why aren't you giving away George Harrison's book, or, this thing  you have made up and call George Harrison's book.  I do not think it is any more from George Harrison than the things you say are from Jesus are from Jesus.  But I would like to know how you reconcile this contradiction in your teachings. Doubtful."  Well, it's very simple,. really.  The "Wow!" book is by George Harrison.  It's a gift to Jesus to raise funds to support His effort to save the world.  George says he has put many little tid bits in it that will help those that know him recognize that it is his Work.  He believes the price we are asking is actually quite reasonable for the amount and the quality of information that he has given.  That's how we justify this apparent inconsistency.  According to our Teachings when someone gives you a gift you have to use it for the purpose they intended, not for your own desires.  We think the purpose that George has intended for this Work is a good one, and does not violate our religious teachings at all.
Oh!  George also wants us to mention how grateful he is for the concerts being done for him, and the praise he is receiving. He is so delighted that people still care, and he has not been swept away by the modern sleaze.

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Got a comment that I'm always mentioning my Spirit Worker in The Afterlife, but never mention her name and have been asked why.  Well, the simple matter is, she does not want her privacy violated.  She loves working for me and I could not get by without her.  But she doesn't want people worshipping her.  She simply wants to do her Work and be left alone.  And where she is so valuable I respect her wishes.  I was also asked why a female Worker?  This is most always the case.  I can get quite close to her, work with her constantly, and have no fear of accidentally burning her, as I would a male worker who got too close.  That is why we always work in close proximity with Spirits of the opposite sex, because They can't come through us. We can get very good contact with Them and not have to pull out of our bodies to let Them through to work, so we can accomplish a lot more! It's just the way things work.

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