November 21, 2,003
A Plea For Their Loved Ones

Jesus' tears are many.  He has lost another Anglican fellowship.  Geoffery Graham Dow, Bishop Of Carlisle  has asked to be removed from our mailing list.  He has refused the Word of The Son Of God.  The standard message has been sent to him that he and all that follow him have been removed from The Book Of Life and are banished from The Kingdom Of God forever.  This upset many of Those that dwell in The Afterlife who were once part of this fellowship.  They sent a committee to Jesus saying "Lord, we understand the present leader of our congregation has errored, that you sent Your power to him and you sent Your Messengers to him, that he rejected them, that he prefers to cling to the falsity of man.  But must all our people be punished, Lord?  Must all of our fellowship be damned because of the acts of one?"
 Jesus looked at Them sadly and asked "Do you not remember the instructions I gave my Disciples if They were to come into any community and that community rejected them, if the leaders of that community said 'Begone!  We Will not hear you! We do not want this Christ.'?  What did I tell Them to do?  Tell me!"
The leader of the committee looked very sad, but he finally answered, "You told them, Lord, to shake the very dust of that place off Their sandals, for they had rejected God and were an abomination and that God would destroy them.  That those in fellowship with God were to have nothing to do with them."
"Then you do know what I have taught!"  Jesus answered.  "A fellowship, a church, a congregation is a community.  They are responsible for the leaders they choose.  If I send my Angelic Messengers to the leader of a congregation and that leader rejects the messages They give, if that leader rejects me, the people of that congregation are just as responsible for that leader's actions because they have accepted him, they honor him, and they say he is worthy of God.  If he rejects God they reject God.  I will give you this.  If these people choose a new leader and he accepts my messages, if he rises up and opposes sodomy and opposes those destroying my children with their lust and greed, then I will permit them entry into The Kingdom Of God."
"But Lord," the representative of the committee asked, "how are our people to know Your messages if our bishop is not given them to them?"
Jesus shook His head.  "That is your problem," He answered, "not mine.  I have my Messengers.  They do God's will.  They contact the leaders of God's people and give them my words.  If those Messengers are rejected I have done all that is necessary for me to do!  I have fulfilled God's requirements that they be warned of the price of their sins.  If they will not listen to my Messengers, if they will not listen to The Word Of God then you shall have to find a way of reaching them, of making them understand their leaders have betrayed them to eternal death.  It is not my concern any more, because I have done all that I am supposed to do.  I have fulfilled God's promise that those doing evil would be warned of what their evil would bring them.....eternal death.  If they will not listen there is nothing more I can do.  For they have chosen.  Now, I have answered your inquiry.  Begone!  I have much to do.  I yet intend to save my children, to save God's precious jewels, and you hinder me in that effort."
 The leader of the committee bowed his head and answered, "Lord Of Heaven we thank You for Your precious time!"  and They departed in deep and forlorn sorrow, for They knew Their loved ones were lost.
Above is yesterday's email to The Anglicans.  That is self explanatory.  Came across some articles about John Lennon that really upset him.  We work so hard to get out the truth and these absolute falsitys are everywhere!  There is some truth in the reports that John hung around the New York area for several days after his death, not realizing he was dead.  It is also true that psychokenetic images of him are still present where he was murdered, and in The Dakota Building.  They are not John, himself, they are merely images that have been recorded in the ether in those areas, and that really sensitive people can see.
John did not stay for months with Linda Deer Domnitz, in California and give her messages.  He does not know if this is simply a fraud or the woman was deceived by a false spirit, but it was not him!  It is true that in The Afterlife John has met Clark Gable and Carol Lombard.  They are absolutely devoted to him, and support him in all of his efforts.  But he had no party with them.  They have all been too busy!  Though both sometimes come to his concerts, though they have never taken part.
 John has no recollections of his past lives, whatsoever.  He has lost connection with them because of the drugs.  This is slowly healing and it is believed that in a few more years all fragments of his Soul will join.
John never had a past life with his murderer.  He never shot him in the back!  The person that gave this report is purely sick!  "Maybe," John says, "he was a horse and was mad at me because I rode him all the time.  But I definitely never shot him!  That's sick!"  John still does wear his glasses.  They're his trademark.  People would not recognize him without them. Though of course he no longer needs them, they're just a prop.  But he is definitely now against drugs!
In conclusion John says he has never given any music to a lady called Rosmary Brown.  He knows who is doing this.  It is a harmless spirit that pretends to be him, and John actually likes some of his music.  But it isn't him.  There was also a report that John forgave his murderer.  John wants it known positive and absolutely, that he has not and he never will!  And anyone that says he has is a fake, only giving the public what they want to hear.  John just wanted these little things known because he gets tired of hearing all this nonsense, though in a way it does help him because it keeps energy coming to him, and he uses that energy for Jesus' Cause.  So, in a way, he's grateful to these people, but he wants the truth known.

FOOTNOTE: Well, here's a good one!  Haven't been feeling very good lately for a couple of months.  Went in for my regular tooth cleaning yesterday and found I have an abscessed tooth that can't be fixed.  It would cost $1300 for a root canal and cap, and then so much of the bone is gone around the tooth it probably wouldn't be viable, so it's got to go!  They won't be able to take it out until January 3rd, so this is going to be a great holiday season when we've got to work on so many things of importance.  but it's just another little physical problem that will have to be dealt with.  And to be an extra annoyance, I went to turn the hot water on in the shower last night, and the faucet snapped off, or, the handle.  So now we've got to find a replacement for that and pray that it isn't so out dated we can't find one, and it will cost us a fortune for a plumber!  They're just little things, but right now we could certainly do without them.  Boy!  Could we do without them!

*  *  *


At work the other day the boss commented that he'd got another claim for alimony on a guy that had only worked for us for a couple of days.  And someone asked what was the situation on alimony in The Old Worlds.
Pretty damned severe!  One of the few things that a Haven woman could complain about was that her husband was not supporting her children.  If she could get a relative to bring that charge before a magistrate the husband was in big trouble because if he couldn't prove he had a very good reason that he was not supporting his family he would be burned alive, his estate seized, and put in the control of one of his wife's relatives, to support her and her children.  The Lord God had his faults, but He insisted fathers care for their children and support them.  Boy, did He insist!
The Hashons didn't burn them alive, but They seized their estates and sent them to labor camps where they were made to work and earn as much as they could, the majority of which would go to their families.
The Peepians were just about as bad.  They insisted fathers pay the support of their children, those societies anyway, among them that had fathers!  Abandoning your responsibilities wasn't tolerated.
Men on The Old Worlds couldn't simply walk away and forget Their responsibilities.

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