February 27, 2,004
Lost Our Mementos

Had one of those little tragedies that really messes you up.  Lost all our souvenirs for the trip to Hollywood.  Had brought back the sign from our dressing room and kept the stubs from our boarding passes, and some other things.  We got home and gathered them up and I told Linda to put them in a safe place.  She put them in a plastic grocery bag intending to put them in the extra room later.  I got up the next morning, which was trash day, and saw a whole pile of trash on the counter that hadn't been taken care of so I grabbed a handy grocery bag, stuffed all the trash in it, tied it, put it in the bigger trash bag, and put it out on the curb.  By the time Linda realized what had happened, it was too late. The trash man had already come, and our treasures had gone with him.  Next time we're going to guard them with our lives!  But we really feel bad.  I was going to scan them and put them up on the internet.  But hopefully there will be another time.  These things happen.  There are far more important matters.
John Lennon absolutely irate that a DJ named Dangermouse (Brian Burton) has remixed music from his White Album and distributed it without his family's consent.  John makes it very clear that all of his old music, before his death belongs to his family and no one else has a right to use it without their consent.  Of course Paul can remix stuff, it's his music.  But other people have no right to violate their copyright.  This is the only thing John dislikes about the computer age.  Unscrupulous, uncaring individuals can steal what belongs to others and give it to their just unscrupulous friends.  It is something that has to be corrected.  People cannot trade music on the internet with each other without paying the royalties.  This has to stop!  It is unfair to everyone that owns a piece of music.
Jesus again irate!  This time, because the Catholic church returned a priest, Rev. Brian Bjorklund,  to service after he had had sex with a boy, because that boy was 16, and as far as the Church was concerned, of age to give his consent.  Though the Church is assisting The Kingdom OF God in Its struggle against homosexual marriage, Jesus must condemn this act.  No sexual activity between two men can be accepted, whether it is consensual or not..  This so-called priest is a creature of Darkness, a thing of evil.  What he has done, and what he continues to do is a blasphemy against God, and any church that accepts him and allows him to continue to carry on his duties is not of God, no matter how much help they are being in the current crisis.  Their continued acceptance of evil to keep clergy in their church cannot be condoned by The Kingdom Of God.
Jesus again makes a clear and precise statement to all in the world that He does not recognize The Catholic Church as part of Christianity.  It is a foul and perverted priesthood that bears no resemblance to Christianity, whatsoever, and He again encourages people to leave it, to forsake it, for it does far more harm than it does good.  It destroys far more souls than it saves.  And this sick, perverted action proves His point beyond a doubt!  Much needs to be done to restore this priesthood to Christianity and one of the most important things is the ending of their tradition of celibacy that forces their priests into unnatural and unholy behavior.  Jesus honors every one of them who, despite the horrible misteachings they live under manages to live a holy life, and do good for His people.  But He cannot condone those who turn to evil.  He cannot condone them for a single moment.  Their evil is destroying children, and that cannot be tolerated!
We are often asked what drew John Lennon to us in the first place?  Why did he find us so interesting?  Well, in reality, before the crisis began John was drawn to us because of the hymns I had translated from The Afterlife from our old Spiritist Teachings.  He still, when doing concerts in the Spiritist Republic, loves to sing "Memorial," which thrills our people beyond belief!  And John, on special occasions has even sung it in The Kingdom Of God.  You cannot understand what a joy it is for Us to hear the people of The Kingdom Of God singing one of our hymns, and being just as much against the evil We fought, as We are.  This was the spark that started our relationship, as John wanted to know more about The Songs Of Old.  A link to some of these songs is featured on Yahoo, whenever you type in my name.  I don't doubt that John had something to do with it being there.  As we have often said, music is one of the greatest powers that binds The Afterlife together.  That was true long before we met John, but John is definitely one of Its greatest binders!  Here's John's latest effort, the demo to his song for Michael.  Enjoy!


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 Miraculously we found a few of our mementos from the trip! The stubs from four of our boarding passes.  So we haven't lost everything.  We will  be able to frame these.  We wanted to scan them and put them on the magazine but they just wouldn't print out in a clear enough image.  But we will put them online at the art gallery, so people can see that we actually did it, we actually did go out there, as wild and as crazy as it seems, we actually did it!  Everybody at work is saying "Who's next?"  And the boss says "If anybody calls don't worry about it!  Just tell them you can come!"  So there's no telling!  People want us to come and stay for quite a while, but Jesus says not until we establish our income, and I don't have to work.  Then I can spend perhaps three months in California.  Perhaps while it's winter here.  Hopefully by then we'd have a staff to take care of things.  Jesus is a dreamer!  But His dreams have a tendency of coming true.  We will have to wait and see.  Hopefully we'll have even greater news next issue!

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Got an interesting question.  Somebody wanted to know how many of the alien Souls in The Afterlife have never reincarnated, are still purely Haven,  Hashon or Peepian.  As strange as it may seem, virtually all of Them!  Only a handful of The Old Souls have been able to reincarnate over the last five thousands years because there were only a few bodies that had been carefully bread that They could use.  The common human body simply would not hold Their energy!  It is only now that great numbers of the alien Souls are reincarnating, because the human body has evolved to the point where They can inhabit them without having to store vast amounts of Their energy in The Afterlife.  And even then, only about a third of each Race is reincarnating.  We will need to leave that many in The Afterlife to maintain balance.  We will still be well over 50% of the Earth's population, with our human allies that are working with us, more than enough to form Our societies and establish Our Way, if Our people ever wake up.

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