March 1, 2,004
California's Spirits Begging

Jesus still pretty upset that we're having so much trouble getting our emails through.  If you want to find out how much, check today's "Here's Jesus!"  where He answers the questions  "How do you feel when Your messages are returned marked spam?", "Is this Presidential Election a life or death one, like 2,000?", and, "Did Hillary Clinton have anything to do with the homosexual marriages in New York State?"  He's not a happy Son Of God.

Things are still trembling from our trip to California!  The Spirits there, Those in The Afterlife, are begging Jesus to have us return for three months and help disperse the power we took there on our visit.  But Jesus says absolutely and positively not!  We could make some overnight trips but we would not be able to stay any length of time.  If we were able to establish our financial independence, raise the $300,000 we need after taxes, to put in the bank and give us a steady income from the interest, Jesus says we could go for a month and do what we could, visit as many talk shows as would have us, and use the dispersal prayer as much as we could.  But until I don't have to work and we are residing where He wants us to reside, the only place He would allow me to go for any length of time, would be Iraq to complete Muhammed's mission.
The Spirits in California are desperately trying to get Him to change His mind, but Jesus won't budge.  He says it's time for us to be supported, to have what we need to do our Work so we can put our full efforts to His Cause, and He won't budge.  He can be very, very stubborn at times!   But I will tell you, this last trip was a tremendous help to us!  We're waiting for the checks and if they're as much as they said they'd be, and arrive in time, we should be able to make a substantial payment on our hospital bill that will bring it down to $2,000 and really cut back the interest payments!  This has all been a tremendous benefit.  Those involved simply have no idea how grateful we are!  Just a little bit more luck this summer and we should be debt free going into next winter, which will make things a lot more pleasant.
In praising the nice people and places we encountered on our trip to California last week we missed somebody!  John reminded me and insisted we compliment them.  Down the street from our hotel is a nice little pizza place run by an oriental couple where we got our first meal.  My ears were buzzing from the plane and my dyslepsia was acting up and I could virtually not understand a word the nice lady was saying.  But I finally managed to get some pizza, which really filled the yawning cavity!  When we get back that way again we hope to sit down in the place and have a full meal there.  But we still recommend it.  It has a real local atmosphere!  It's not a national chain, and I think others will like it as well.
We're hoping for some good news shortly.  We don't know how much of a financial benefit it will be to us, but if it all goes well, it should be a tremendous boost to the Work.  Keep your fingers crossed and pray.
That's about all this morning.  Remember, Jesus welcomes questions for Here's Jesus!   If you've got something you'd really like to ask send them in!  As you can see, He's not pulling any punches!  He's expressing His feelings right out.  Is He ever!
There's so much going on that John Lennon asked us to put up a special edition of the magazine, so the information will be readily available to the public.  We threw it together real quick, but got a few extra articles in that I think people will enjoy.  But those who don't have access to the daily emails really need this issue, because things are hoppin'!  Here's the address;

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We have been asked why it is so difficult for the Spirits in The Afterlife to make Their feelings known to the living.  This didn't seem to be a problem in the past.  Why is it now?  Simply, and, sadly, the answer is the living are rejecting Those in The Afterlife, refusing to hear Them.  They are so set in their own ways, they so want their own thing, that even though they know their Loved Ones are speaking to them and telling them to do what is right they are simply refusing to hear.  They want to do their own thing, have things their way, and still receive the rewards they have been promised.  Sadly, it isn't going to work this way.  Their rejection of their Loved Ones pleas, their rejection of the power that is offered them will destroy them, and probably, the world.

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