March 19, 2,004
John Lennon Down

John Lennon incapacitated because he has received some news from the material world that has disturbed him deeply.  He may be unable to function for as long as a month or more.   Mary has dropped what she has been doing and has rushed to John, and is personally caring for him, comforting him night and day, taking a break when Jesus or Muhammed drops by for an hour or so.  You couldn't ask for better nurses!  But the dark ones are aware of the problem and are already taking advantage, throwing attacks at Us from several locations, trying to take advantage of Our lack of coordination.
Jesus is jumping in leading counter strikes against the creatures of Darkness, determined to make sure We don't lose any of the ground We have gained because of John's horrendous efforts.  But John has been going full speed for almost five years, and if he needs a break no one will begrudge him.  Everyone wishes, though, what is disturbing him could be resolved to his satisfaction and he would quickly return to his bright and shining self.  Mary keeps telling John to have hope, but John doesn't seem to feel there is any.  We wish so much there was more we could do.  We hate to see John in such anguish, such despair.  But only Others can help him now.  All we can do is pray.
We have been asked not to contact John, because we are part of the problem, which is making it very difficult for us.  Linda continues to read to him for at least an hour a day, but we don't get any of the lively response that we normally get during these sessions.  And right now they are very sad affairs.  But John loves the stories and we will do anything we can to comfort him.
Something so beautiful is happening in The Afterlife that it is very hard to describe in words that the living can understand.  There is a horrendous out pouring of love towards John Lennon, and it is all absolutely spontaneous.  No one arranged it, no one ordered it, it just started happening!  Every hour on the hour a huge crowd gathers in front of John's residence on The Way Of The Apostles.  They sing "Remember The Springtime," John's love song to Yoko, his wife.  They then sing "Care," John's song explaining why he has taken up The Kingdom Of God and Jesus' Cause.  They then sing "Stand Up!"  John's rallying song that literally saved the world.  It is then that Mary leads John out onto his balcony, where he begins to wave.  The crowd cheers wildly.  Then someone cries out "Glory be to  The Apostle Of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ, John Lennon!  Let him reign forever and a day!  The power and glory of God The Father be with him forever!"  Then, in almost perfect unison, the crowd cries "Hip hip hurrah!"  three times, applauds again, and cries in unison, "We love you John!",   waves and everybody departs.
But as this is happening in front of John's  house, it is also happening throughout The Afterlife!  Every person that is free, that is not doing something important, is joining in this horrendous effort to send Their love for John into the material world, so it may touch everyone that ever knew him and make them understand how important John is to Them now.  John once boasted that he was more popular than Jesus.  Well that might not be the case, but he has certainly reached a level of equality, and Jesus doesn't mind at all, because He joins right in the praise with everybody else!  And as I said at the beginning, this is all spontaneous, this is all pure and abiding love, pure  joy given for one that is loved beyond the understanding of the mortal, for there is no love in mortal existence so great.
All in The Afterlife are praying that this loving energy reaches those that love John in the material world, and helps them to understand and accept his new circumstance.  They who love him should understand how much others can come to love him.  They 're praying they will understand.
Still no response from any of the newspapers in California concerning Muhammed's ad.  Have friends monitoring them to see if they say anything, but they probably won't.  But they will not even answer our inquiries, which is upsetting Everybody.

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