March 22, 2,004
Clear Instructions

Were supposed to be working on a project for Jesus this weekend concerning Him encouraging President Bush to accept the intelligence on Iraq and go to war, that Jesus feels He is responsible because it was His Angelic Agents that supplied the information to the material agents, and as far as He knew the information was accurate and correct.  So He encouraged Bush to act.  And Bush actually listened over the objection of his advisors!  (Most of them, anyway!)  Jesus feels that if any should be blamed for using this material to go to war, He should be, not President Bush.  If he had not pushed Bush, he may well have backed down and not gone to war.  But we got waylaid by the sickness that happened with The United Methodists, and Jesus had to respond to that.  And we've been working on it all weekend.  The dark ones are taking every advantage of John Lennon being out of action.  They are attacking in any way they can, taking advantage of our confusion.
John is getting better, by the way!  Every hour on the hour the people continue to sing to him.  He has moved his favorite recliner out onto his balcony and stays there, now, continuing to be comforted by Mary, with occasional visits from Jesus and the other Apostles.  He still, however, goes into fits of deep depression every couple of hours.  But he's getting better.  It's a long struggle, but he's doing better.
 Here's Jesus' letter.  We've been asking the Methodist churches to print it in their local papers.  Jesus wants everybody in the country to hear His wishes.  We keep trying!  The Lords know, we keep trying!

An Open Letter From The Lord Of Heaven To All The World.

Most Profound Greetings!

I come to you this day on a matter of most profound importance.  It has come to my attention that a group of Methodist ministers sitting in judgment on a lesbian member of their clergy has found her acceptable to serve in their church.  I cannot tolerate this decision.  I must take immediate action in this matter!
Firstly, the following individuals are declared creatures of Darkness, demons, enemies of all that is holy and all that is good, and are sentenced by me to eternal death.  Once they leave the material realm their existence shall end, forever.  For they, in their ignorance, corrupt the innocent and lead them into fornication.

Rev. Karen Dammann,  Meredith Savage, Bishop Elias Galvan of Seattle,  Rev. Robert C. Ward, The Rev. James C. Finkbeiner.

Secondly, I remove all who were involved in this trial in any way, from The Book Of Life.  They are not sentenced to eternal death, but they will never be allowed to enter into my Kingdom under any circumstances, forever.  They will have to stay without, for they have broken the law of God and they knew they were breaking the law of God.  Their only thought was unity not righteousness. They knew what they were doing was evil and they did it anyway.  They will be given no opportunity to repent.  I will not accept them in my fellowship.  The evil they have done is that severe.
Also I, at this time, remove all sanctity from Methodist ministers.  I take all the holiness from their church.  It is no longer a part of God's family.  It is now an abomination that sodomizes children.  I remove all Angelic Workers from this church, and forbid Them to return to it until all homosexual supporters and all homosexuals are expelled from the church.  Nothing else will be accepted.  As long as there is one member of the church that supports homosexuals and petitions for their admission into the church the church will not be recognized by The Kingdom Of God.  This evil must be put out!
Finally, I ask all members of this church to depart from it immediately, and join churches that allow no acceptance of homosexuality, whatsoever, in any way, shape, or form.  The righteous must separate themselves from the sinners, or they are not righteous.  No one can claim to be one of my followers that accepts homosexuality.  No one can claim entry into my Kingdom that sodomizes children, and any homosexual supporter sodomizes children because they encourage them to take part in sin.  The people of God cannot, and must not accept this.  I will grant no dispensations, I will grant no pardons, I will grant no mercy in this matter.  I have informed Lord Peter to follow my instructions and he is doing so.  If you are my followers, if you are my believers, if you accept the Gift I have given you, you do not, you cannot support homosexuality.  If you do, all that you say is a lie.  You are not one of my children.
I thank you for your time, I thank you for your attention, and I pray to God The Father that you will follow my wishes.

Yours In His Service, Now And Forever,

Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ

We have been asked again, what makes us so special?  Why should we be believed above everybody else?  Why are people condemned that rebuke us?  The answer is simple.  Because we have something nobody else in the world has.  We have The Angelic Messengers Of Jesus Christ, what are commonly referred to as The Holy Ghost.  Every time we send a message an Angelic Messenger goes with it, waits for the person to read it, and bears witness to it.  As you now read this message an Angelic Messenger is touching you, saying to you "This is true.  Believe!  These are Messengers Of God.  Do all in your power to help them, for they are The Messengers Of His Beloved Son.  Hear and obey."  That is why any that rebuke us, any that attack us are removed from The Book Of Life, because God has sent His Messengers to them and they have refused Them. They have closed their hearts and said "No!  I won't hear this.  I prefer the ways of man. I know this is the truth, but I reject it.  I hear God's Witness, but I won't follow it.  I want my own way!"  That is why we are different from others, because no one else has The Angelic Messengers except those we appoint Them to.
Linda had the strangest thing yesterday morning!  As she woke up she could hear people singing that old dog food commercial, "My dog's bigger than your dog!  My dog's bigger than yours!  My dog's smarter than your dog! My dog's smarter than yours!"  Nobody in The Afterlife that we are associated with was singing it.  Everybody was at a total loss as to where it was coming from.  Maybe it was a telepathic connection with someone.  Sometimes these small, insignificant mysteries are the most perplexing of all.

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We often mention Father Abraham in our emails.  People constantly ask "What rank does he have in The Kingdom Of God? Is he above Jesus, below Moses?"  Exactly what is his position?"  Well, his position is he is the Father of a great many of the human race!  Many of the people in The Middle East and elsewhere, carry his descendancy.  Wherever The Jewish People traveled Abraham's seed was deposited.  He has no official rank. He is not beneath Jesus, nor, is he above Him, but he is very powerful.  When he wants something done he goes to Lord Peter, who is now in charge of Heaven, and says "I want this done!" and without question Peter does it!  When something disturbs him he goes to Jesus and says "I would appreciate it if you would speak out on this!" and Jesus immediately does so.  Father Abraham is respected as a father, as any good and honorable father would be respected by their children. His advice is sought in all things.  Very few decisions are made without his feelings on it being known., and this is as it should be!

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