March 23, 2,004
Another One Gone Forever

Kingdom Of God praises Israel's execution of Sheik Ahmed Yassin.  They do not like it being called an assassination.  It was not an assassination.  The leaders of Israel acting as a jury, judged the evidence against this man and pronounced death upon him for all the murders he had committed, because of all the bombers he has sent against The Israeli People.
Father Abraham asks, "What took you so long?  Why did you wait so long?  Why was this man allowed to murder so many of my children, both Israeli and Arab?  I bitterly condemn all who criticize Israel for undertaking such executions.  I bitterly condemn them for supporting these monsters that have so long terrorized both my people.  Why are The Arab People calling this monster a hero?  He did not live long enough to even get out of his body before the second death claimed him, before he died forever, because the pain and anguish that he has caused others destroyed him forever....not the pain and anguish that he caused The Israelis, but that he caused his own people.  It was the pain and anguish of the suicide bombers that died in shame and never entered into Paradise that destroyed this foul creature, wiped him out of existence for eternity!  It was not one single Israeli Soul had an opportunity to send Their despair against him, it was his own peoples' despair that destroyed him forever!  How these foul creatures are praised by the living, and how short is their existence in The Afterlife.  When will mankind see the truth and understand what hate does?"  This ends Father Abraham's comments.  What more can be said?
Got a strange complaint!  It went something like this.  "Found your message from Jesus quite interesting, but your link to your web site at the bottom of it confused me.  You should not include this, as it distracts from your messages."  Why do we include the link to our web site?  Because Jesus insists upon it.  He wants the world to know who and what we are.  He believes that if we serve Him, that if we glorify Him and God, and lead God's cause, it is the greatest evidence of all to show the power and the glory of God.  That no matter how many fail Him, no matter how many betray Him there are those, somewhere, that God can reach out to and will give His true messages to the world.  Jesus calls us His "rocks and stones," His "last hope," and He wants all the world to know exactly what we are, as He sends His Angelic Messengers to bear witness that our messages are true.  This is why we must put the link to our web site on every message, because The Son Of God believes it glorifies His Father.

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