March 3, 2,004
Thunder And Lightning

Kingdom Of God overjoyed with Its success against Edwards.  There was only one state that They really had trouble in, besides Vermont, and that was Georgia.  Edwards' supporters were steadfast, and it was really difficult turning 5% of the vote, so Kerry had a victory.  But Edwards' supporters were so wavering in the other states that they were easily turned.  George Harrison's song seems to have done the trick!  It is so sad that the voters in Vermont were so perverted that they stuck with their former governor and didn't give Kerry a clean sweep.  But this is just another reason why that area is so condemned by The Kingdom Of God.
The Kingdom Of God is lessening Its efforts in the political campaign right now to put Its full power into other efforts, especially the homosexual uprising in California, which, for the next couple of months, will get Their full attention.
Speaking of California, John Lennon did an excellent job there!  Not only did he give Kerry a decisive victory, but he substantially helped Gov. Schwarzenegger win a clear majority in his initiatives!  The Governor would have won, regardless, but his margin of victory would have been very small.  John helped give him a clear mandate.  This was a phenomenal effort, considering we are having problems communicating with Spirits in California because of the incessant prayers of the righteous to God for help to stop the homosexual movement.  They are creating a reverberating echo that is making it very difficult to communicate.  Even the strongest transmitters are finding it hard to penetrate through the interference and reach the living.  The people in California are begging for a hero, a champion to sweep this sickness from their state, and restore decency.  They have that champion, Laura Bush, but she will not act.  John Lennon will visit her four times a day and sing "Come On Laura!" to her, and ask her to go to California and organize the people in a determined resistance, instituting a buyers' strike to shut down San Francisco until the mayor resigns and the illegal marriage licenses are confiscated.  Heaven has a champion that can win this struggle, if she will only act.  John begs his friends in California "Email The First Lady.  Say "Come and help us!  Save our children! Don't let them be destroyed forever.  God has empowered you.  Come and lead us!""
As soon as the voting in New England was over the New England and Canadian dead zones were reestablished.  Because of the homosexual marriages in New York State there was no hope of them being left down.  And The Kingdom Of God will now be working on that area.
Those in The Afterlife apparently know for sure who the enemy is.  They have already converted John Lennon's song "Don't Vote For Dean!" into "Don't Vote For Kerry!", only substituting Kerry's name for Dean.  It is already being sung throughout The Afterlife and is having an effect already, on the subconscious of many American voters, slipping them away from supporting Kerry.  The Democrats do not believe that the homosexual issue will harm them, that they can win by attacking the economy, and nothing else will interest the American people.  We hope they're going to be in for a rude awakening, that the greater majority of the American people do not want their children sodomized, and they're going to make their feelings known at the polls.  And The Kingdom Of God will be doing everything in Their power to insure that they do.  Let's see who wins, the decent people or, the perverts.
We were hoping for some incredible news this morning, but everyone in The Afterlife, especially George Harrison, is extremely disappointed that things did not go together, so that we would have something very special to add to this victory.  But there is still hope that something very special is coming.  George & John will be trying their utmost to make it happen.  They are working very hard to get us public recognition.  To them that is more important than financial reward.  They want to make it possible for us to return to California and use the prayer of dispersal to empower the people there to fight the evil that is destroying Their children, and they are determined to find a way of doing it, and, fulfilling Jesus' wishes for us, besides.  It is so incredible that two former rock stars have become the leading forces to restore The Kingdom Of God and put Jesus back on His Throne!  Every time I think of it I think of John Lennon's new song, "God Will Use Who He Will," and how true it is!  You never know who Heaven's Heroes are going to be!  One time it was a lowly shepherd boy, now, it is former rock stars.  But God knows who to use!

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    We've been asked "You said that your people found a world where the people had all died off, starved to death.  If this was happening and there were extra terrestrials seeing it happening, why didn't they intercede?  Why didn't they at least feed these people until they died off and relieve their suffering? I can't imagine that people, advanced people, could be so cruel!"  This is hard for us to comprehend, as well.  We know there were extra terrestrials at that time, but they had a strict non interference doctrine, no matter what, and they wouldn't bend it for any reason.  It seems cruel, but they had their reasons.

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