By; Linda J. Polley

Discovering Spirit In Sound CHANTING By Robert Gass with Kathleen Brehony From; Broadway Books, a division of Random House, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036.  ISBN #0-7679-0322-6 (hc) Hardcover. 245 pages. $20.00.

Everything you need to know about sound, how it can help and heal especially in the form of chanting.  Includes histories of various forms of chanting, examples of its use, and even brief lessons.  This book even has a companion CD you can purchase separately, instructions for finding this are in the book.    The book even tells a moving story of how John Lennon's song "Imagine" was used as a chant that helped people!  Also features various samples of chants from many cultures and religions, with even how to play them on a piano.  If I made this review into my own chant to tell others my opinion of it it would only contain one word; "Wonderful!"  Great for all ages and religions.  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

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