March 5, 2,004
A Man With A Conscience

We're constantly asked how John Lennon & George Harrison can support the war in Iraq when they were both known to be pacifists.  I recently had one really obnoxious comment on this.  I asked John to give an answer, but George came forward and said, "Let me take a shot at this!"  He told how Those in the Afterlife are aware of things those in the material world are not.  He described a video that an Agent of The Kingdom Of God viewed in Baghdad and transmitted to The Afterlife that is now being viewed Everywhere.  It was so hideous, so horrible I simply cannot describe it, we could not put it in our magazine for future children to read!  It was horrible beyond description, man's inhumanity to man beyond belief!
George says "Any man with a conscience, any man with a Soul, after seeing these things would support President Bush's efforts in Iraq 100%.  These videos should be made public, but the American authorities are afraid if they are they will plunge Iraq into civil war, for the people will be driven to exterminate every member of The Baath Party, and, their wives and children."  George says, "Knowing what we know, we know that every person that opposes President Bush in Iraq is one of two things....a creature of Darkness, a demon, or, controlled by a creature of Darkness, a demon.  They can be nothing else.  Muhammed screams for justice for his people, that those responsible for these atrocities be tried and executed, or permanently exiled from Iraq.  The situation there will never be resolved until the people have justice, no matter how much the sick in Europe, the perverted in Europe want amnesty, want everything forgiven, and some of The Baath Party members to remain in power.  Muhammed forbids it!  There must be justice!"  I guess George expressed it pretty well!  He's a man of conscience and every man of conscience in The Afterlife supports President Bush in Iraq.  It's too bad the living don't.
We have been asked "What exactly does Jesus want in California?"  Well, first of all, He wants us to return and distribute to the living His power that was taken there on our last trip, by using the prayer of dispersal after we have spoken in several churches.  Secondly, He wants every woman in California that opposes the sodomizing of their children to go to the post office, buy a post card, write on it, "Our Dear First Lady Laura Bush, God has appointed you His Champion to stop the homosexual movement.  Please come to California and help us do so!"  He wants hundreds of thousands of these post cards coming in to The White House, They should be sent to First Lady Laura Bush, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500.  He wants the women of California to call His Champion to them.
If these two things were to happen in California Jesus would be extremely pleased!  It would only be the beginning, but those who say that His power is finished, that man doesn't care about Him any more, that they only want their way, would be silenced.  It would be proven He still has power, can still rise the people.  If one woman sends a post card, and, an email, an email would also help but Jesus wants the physical post cards, if just one woman did this and got ten of her friends to do it, and each of those women got ten of their friends to do it, and so forth, soon Jesus' wishes would be fulfilled.  All the people have to do is believe, all they have to do is believe in The Lord Of Heaven, and they can win!  They can save their children, and the world.  All they have to do is take a little effort, believe enough to go to the post office and write a post card, and tell the world "We believe!  We believe The Son Of God can empower people.  And if those people act good can be done.  They simply have to believe!
That's all Jesus wants in California.  Is it too much to ask?  How many friends do you have there?  How many women do you know that  you could contact and say "Look, I got this message, I think it's real.  I think the people that gave it are real!  Can you write a post card?"  If somebody, if anybody got it going we all could win, our children could win if somebody would just get it going.  A simple post card and an email, a little time, a little effort, and we could save the world.  We have the power, we just need the people.

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