March 9, 2,004
Bitter Disappointment

Very little today.  A tremendous disappointment has struck us that we do not know how to deal with.  The spiritual energy is flowing in better than it ever has.  But we can't get any material support.  We have people that say they believe and are working with us, but each time something comes up that needs to be done they can't make the effort.  It's not what they want to do.  We simply do not know how much longer we can carry on.
George Harrison has completely given up.  John Lennon is in complete despair.  They thought they had found some old friends that were really going to help us.  But it does not seem that they are going to now.
We were supposed to have a happy announcement this morning.  The spiritual dead zone in Sicily centered in Catania has spontaneously collapsed, and we have had to take down the power city in Tunis, Tunisia to compensate.  Our spiritual energy is growing beyond measure!  It gets better and better every day!  But we can't use it!  Nobody will take it, nobody wants it.  All  who God has chosen don't want to get involved, don't want the public to know they're working with us, and this is breaking Everybody's hearts.  We have the power to do so much, but no one will use it.  It is a sad, sad world.

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