March 12, 2,004
Kingdom Of God Never Supports Terror

Got two comments on yesterday's email we have to answer.  Firstly, we were asked "Why did these things happen in Spain after the dead zones collapsed?"  These things were in the works months ago.  It takes a long time to organize as coordinated a terrorist attack as this.  You don't do it over night.  The negative flow of the dead zones may well have contributed to the attacks taking place where they did.  It was also remarked "How can The Kingdom Of God support terrorism?"  The Kingdom Of God NEVER supports terrorism.  They much prefer that people carry on the struggle for their rights by other means.  We merely said The Kingdom Of God respects the Basque peoples' struggle for independence from Spain.  The Kingdom Of God recognizes them as an independent people who are struggling to end years of military and economic oppression conducted by the people of Spain.  The Kingdom Of God has, and, will always condemn terrorism, any attacks on the innocent.  Those fighting for their rights should concentrate on attacking those responsible for their oppression, and not the innocent.  Just a couple of points that we wanted to clarify.
The creatures of Darkness operating in New Hampshire made a slight mistake!  They rallied outside the dead zone in the parts of New Hampshire covered by the bridging effect, forgetting that The Bearers Of Light can operate in these areas for limited periods.  The Kingdom Of God's Scouts pinpointed their rallying areas, and when the demons arrived, exhausted from their long trip from Europe, they were met with a nasty surprise!  John Lennon led The Angelic Hosts against them in three slashing attacks which left the demons running for home!  We can't really call them battles.  As soon as John appeared the demons made every effort to vacate the vicinity.  It was a fight in name only.  The Kingdom Of God's Forces referred to them as chicken runs, but now the demons are extremely weary and are rallying far away from the dead zones in scattered locations.  They may be careless and make mistakes sometimes, but they're not stupid!  Anyway, John has hurt them and it's going to be awhile before they'll be able to come back in the numbers they were fielding before.  Some talk has been made of lifting the dead zone, but Jesus says "No.  Not as long as we have a gay Anglican bishop, and gay Anglican churches.  Until that problem is resolved, the dead zone stays!"
George Harrison might not be doing rock and roll but he's doing East Indian music!  Him and Queenie have been performing with an Indian orchestra,  George playing something that looks like a stretched out guitar on the floor, and Queenie playing something that looks like an elongated steel guitar that she sits at.  Whatever the instruments are called they play them very well!  And some of the pieces seem to go on for hours!  They definitely seem to be having a good time.  But Everyone is hoping they will return quickly to Beatles & Friends because The Kingdom Of God needs their music.  George was disappointed the living didn't like his first protest song.  He was trying to come up with a better one but last weekend's unfortunateness made him forget those plans for a while.  Hopefully he'll get back to "Who Does Kerry Think He Is?"  We'll need it for the Presidential campaign!
John wants so much to have about fifteen of his songs put on a CD and distributed before the elections.  If we could only find a young, energetic band that wants to do some political protesting.  Boy!  Have we got some songs for them!
We have been asked if The Kingdom Of God is pleased that the homosexual marriages have been stopped in California, and the Massachusetts legislature is preparing to pass legislation banning them there.  The answer is positively and absolutely not!  The Kingdom Of God is extremely displeased in both of these circumstances.  What They want is for First Lady Laura Bush to go to California and organize the people there in non violent protest until Mayor Gavin Newsom either resigns, or, is removed from office, and that the 4,161 marriages that have already been performed are annulled because they were illegal and immoral blasphemies.  They especially want to see the marriage of Rosie O'Donnell declared illegal because she is one of the foulest creatures spreading her sickness in The United States.  They then want The First Lady to go to Massachusetts and organize the resistance there until the legislature there passes legislation banning all open homosexual relationships, and making it illegal for any person in that state to proposition someone of the same gender for intimate relationships.  Civil union is just another name for marriage, and The Kingdom Of God will not accept it.  They will not accept any acknowledgment of the homosexual relationship as acceptable  They will fight until the American public gives up its support of this abomination.
And Jesus makes a pronouncement.  Any Massachusetts legislator who votes for civil union will not enter into His Kingdom, no matter what other good they do, no matter how perfect is their life in other ways.  If they conspire to sodomize children they will not enter into The Kingdom Of God!  Jesus wants special legislation banning homosexual activity until the people can vote on a constitutional amendment ending the acceptance of homosexuality in Massachusetts forever.  Jesus will accept nothing else, will allow nothing else!  And as The First Lady is not there promoting His cause, doing His will, she is a hypocrite, a false Christian, a deceiver who says she believes but in reality does not.
It's that simple, it's that plain, it's that easy.  If you support homosexuality you are against God, you are against Jesus, and you will not enter into His Kingdom, and not speaking out supports it just as much as speaking for it.  There is no compromise.  You are choosing eternal life or, eternal death.  The choice is yours.  We hope you chose wisely!

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