August 14, 2,004
Song For Maine

Continuing the struggle against The Democrats Johann Sebastian Bach has written a campaign song for the state of Maine.  They just keep coming!  It's a good thing the people in The Afterlife don't sleep and don't get tired.  It gives them a distinct advantage over the living.

By; Johann Sebastian Bach
Channeled Through; Linda J. Polley
All rights reserved.

1.  Lift your voice for dear old Maine!
Sing 'til the rafters ring!
Let every loyal son of Maine
 lift his voice and sing!
Lift your voice our daughters, all!
Come along, and help us win!
We must stand for what is right!
Maine is in the fight again!

2.  Lift your voice for dear old Maine!
We're in the fight again!
Lift your voice and fight for Maine!
The Democrats can never win!
Tell the nation one and all,
Maine stands for what is right!
Lift your voice for dear old Maine!
Come and let the Mainers fight!

3.  Come along and make a stand!
Fight for our children's rights!
We won't let the evil win!
They won't be taken to the night!
Come and sing a song for Maine!
Come and do what's right!
Sing a song for dear old Maine!
Mainers they will always fight!

Mainers will do what's right!  (Rah!)

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