August 19, 2,004
Dark Forces Strike Again!

We must be doing something right!  The creatures of Darkness were at it again last night!  Early in the evening Scouts all over the world began to notice that they were withdrawing from their local areas.  Some were even leaving Iraq.  An alert went out and Everybody everywhere was on watch but continued Their normal routine.  At true midnight eastern standard time the demons attacked simultaneously in four places; Florida, California, New York, and Pennsylvania.  It was obvious the attacks in Florida and California were the main ones.  The other two were merely diversions to tie down The Kingdom Of God's Forces there while the main attacks took place.  Both these battles took place for several hours,  Mary Magdalene and Mary Marie being their obvious goals.  But none of the creatures of Darkness even got near Them.  Finally after taking a horrible beating the creatures of Darkness withdrew.  Their growing desperation is a good sign, and their total inability to do anything when The Kingdom Of God is ready for them shows the steady decline of their power.
John Lennon was holding a spiritual concert in Central Park at the time of the attack, and this was a bad time for the demons to appear.  The local New York Spirits didn't like having the concert broke up and They really tore into them!  I don't think they'll ever make that mistake again!
The attack on Father Abraham was very strange!  Mostly all the attackers were female and were screaming the cry "You made us whores!  You made us whores!"  which is totally untrue, because Father Abraham is recognized as the first one to try to improve women's' positions.  Perhaps they thought this would give them some kind of sympathy and lessen the power The Kingdom Of God's Forces could use against them.  If this was so it didn't work!  This battle proved that the power to totally destroy demons is not John Lennon's, alone, because Father Abraham dispatched three of them to eternal death with very little effort.  Everyone is simply amazed that this power continues to flow, unabated, and is so devastating to the creatures of Darkness.  If We could only bring it more into the material world, if We could only repeat the miracle that started it flowing in the first place!  Perhaps in time, We can, hopefully, before it is too late and mankind is lost forever.  But what a fight!
Our article this morning was supposed to be to let people know that The Apostle Matthew and his wife have taken up the leadership of the Spirits in Wisconsin fighting to defeat Kerry and The Democrats.  This shows that this is an important state, indeed, that Jesus sends one of His most powerful Workers to take command of it!  Perhaps this is what so drove the creatures of Darkness to their desperate actions with their fresh attacks in Florida, and, California, trying to break The Kingdom Of God's hold there, where They are steadily gaining ground.

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