August 21, 2,004
Borrowing Some Music

The Kingdom Of God did not have Its usual sabbath celebrations.  Instead They had what can only be called a gigantic pep rally.  People from all over the world joined Their friends from The United States, were singing and dancing.  They were sending the power to the individual states in the material world.  John Lennon and Beatles & Friends, helping to spread his power appeared at many gatherings in the material world where the Spirits were congregating to hear Their leaders.  In Tennessee he sang a new song Johann Sebastian Bach had written for Davy Crockett, who is leading that state's Spirits in the struggle to defeat Kerry and save Their children.  Bach borrowed the music from the popular '60s tune "The Ballad Of Davy Crockett," but the words are all his.  John's singing still has an incredible magic!  Those doing the Work swore They could feel peoples' attitudes changing in their states as John sang Their particular songs!  More and more people are giving up The Democrats and turning towards Bush!  Let us pray They're right!

By; Johann Sebastian Bach
Channeled Through; Linda J. Polley
All rights reserved.

(To The Music Of "The Ballad Of Davy Crockett")

David, David Crockett!  He's fightin' The Democrats!
David, David Crockett he knows just where they're at!

1.  Off through the land he's a marchin' along,
Tellin' the people what's goin' wrong,
He's gonna fight 'em right to the end!
And when he's done he's gonna whip 'em again!
(Repeat Chorus)

2.  He's gone back to politicin' in a big way,
He's out there fightin' every single day!
Tellin' the people they've gone astray,
And what they gotta do to mend their ways!
(Repeat Chorus)

3.  Any man that's got some sense,
Is gonna join him or Heaven's spent!
David is fightin' for our daughters and sons,
And when it's over he better have won!
(Repeat Chorus)

4.  When evil is a risin' Heaven needs a hand,
And you know Davy's just the man!
When there's fightin' that has to be done,
They're gonna know that Davy's won!
(Repeat Chorus To End.)

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