August 26, 2,004
Moses To Nevada!

Our article yesterday was supposed to be about Moses taking Nevada, that he is setting up his operation in Las Vegas, not the state capitol, because he says this is where the real power is, this is where the people are that control the state.  He says Nevada reminds him very much of Egypt in the time of the Pharaohs and he feels he can do  a good job there.  The Spiritual Forces opposing Kerry there, working for The Kingdom Of God have welcomed him joyously.  His wife is already gathering the mothers.  Her first comment was "In the name of God, the first thing we have to do is get your daughters to put some clothes on!  This place IS as bad as Egypt!  I've never seen so many transparent blouses anywhere!  They must all think they're Kerry's daughter!  We've got to begin making them moral young ladies!"  You can understand this made a lot of laughs in Las Vegas!
Very little chance of us going to The Republican Convention now.  If we did we would be leading an effort against The Vice President.  Kingdom Of God extremely disappointed, but the sickness is everywhere. That's why the fight is so important.  That was supposed to be yesterday's message.  Let's hope nothing else as despot delays another one!  No wonder The First Lady won't respond to Jesus' call to rally the anti gay forces!  Cheney is keeping her from doing God's Work to promote his daughter's sodomy.  What a terrible thing to throw away the power of God for!
Speaking of The Republican Convention, The Kingdom Of God is forming an eerie counter demonstration against the anti war people.  All the Souls that were lost in Iraq because the world would not take military action and remove Hussein will gather in New York and haunt the anti war demonstrators, mothers, daughters, fathers and sons, and they will not show themselves as they were in life, they will show themselves as they were in death after Hussein's people got done with them, and they will constantly ask the anti war people "Why did you allow this?  Why did you let this be done to our children?  Why did you support this evil?  Sanctions don't work.  Nothing works with these people except force greater than theirs.  It is the only thing they understand."  There will be three spirits with each anti war protester so they will hear the message twenty four hours a day.  It does not sound like to me, a very pleasant experience.

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