August 22, 2,004
Andrew Jackson's Endorsement

I once led the people of Louisiana in a great battle to insure the freedom of their country. We won that battle because the men that were with me showed exceptional courage against overwhelming odds. They stood their ground and fought the evil that was trying to subject their nation, and they defeated that evil. I later became President, and believing I was doing the right thing broke my word to an honorable people who had done no harm to The United States. I stripped them of their rights and drove them from their land. I took their property in the name of economic prosperity. This was beyond my right to do. I have suffered long because I was so arrogant as to believe I could defy the teachings of God and do whatever I wanted so my people could have their way. I learned bitterly, upon my death, that God forbids, that when a people give their word to another people He expects that word to be kept even if it is of economic benefit for one party in the agreement not to keep their word, God says they must.
President Bush has given his word to the people of Iraq that we will stand fast with them against the evil that opposes them, that we will not retreat, that we will not withdraw until that evil is vanquished. God has given us the power to perform this mission. We cannot fail to do so. God gives us the leadership, God gives us the wisdom to protect our country, and We must keep that leadership. We must stop breaking our word to those that we give it to. There must come a time when the word of The United States Of America is unquestioned, that men will fear when we say that we will do something because they know we will do it, or we will die trying! That should be what every enemy of The United States should know.
That is why I must give my complete and full support to the reelection of George W. Bush, and I ask every gentleman and every lady of Louisiana to join me in this battle, to tell the world we have an honorable President, we have a courageous President, and by God, we're gonna keep him!

Andrew Jackson
Former President Of The United States
And Now, By The Good Graces Of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ,
And By The Forgiveness Of Those I Betrayed, A Resident Of The Kingdom Of God.
May It Exist Forever! Let not man's ignorance destroy it!


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Sam Houston's Endorsemen

When the insanity of The Civil War began I opposed my people entering into it because I knew that it was not an honorable thing to do, that we were supporting an abomination, a sickness beyond belief when we allowed slavery. I was fully aware that it would destroy our state, and that we would be a long time recovering from that ruin. I was proven right. Now some in my state support John Kerry and the evil that he would permit to be President Of The United States. They say it is all right to allow men to do despicable and dishonorable things if they'll vote for your party and give you economic prosperity. I say these people are committing as grave an error as the people in my time did supporting slavery!
There is a song going about The Kingdom Of God that says "Kerry Is A Loser," that he does nothing but cruise around and accomplishes no purpose. I cannot say that the words of this song do not carry a great deal of truth. In my opinion Kerry leaves much to be desired as a man. I cannot support his policies. I am afraid he would start trying to appease our enemies and lead our nation into ruin. That is why I have asked Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ to lead those courageous people in Texas that are fighting for the reelection of President Bush, to stand with them in defiance of those who would accept evil to better their financial circumstances, who would betray their children to sin, to evil, in order to insure their prosperity. We must never as honorable men of Texas, permit this, and we must ask our ladies to join us in this struggle.
I ask every person, every resident of Texas to cast their vote when the hour comes, for George W. Bush. I ask them not to be led into profound evil as they were led into before. The hour has come when honorable men, and women, must say "No! I know you do not understand, you believe what you do is acceptable, but I cannot support it." If you are a true Texan you will support the will of God and follow the wishes of His Beloved Son and reelect our just and honorable President, George W. Bush.

Sam Houston, 
Former President Of The Republic Of Texas, 
Now A Resident Of The Kingdom Of God,
By The Grace And Love Of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ.
May He Reign Forever, And May Those Who Oppose Him Be Swept Away!

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