September 1, 2,004
Incredible Stuff!

The latest issue of "Voices From Spirit" is up. It's got a lot in it. The Kingdom Of God is deploying Its Forces in Its efforts to reelect Bush, and Bach is writing fight songs for each state that he can. This is a struggle for our very existence, and The Kingdom Of God intends to put Its full efforts into it.   

****This Issue Is No Longer On Line. It Will Be Replaced Soon At A New Location.***

You should not only visit the magazine but The Kingdom Of God's political page for the campaign, where you will find Jesus' endorsement of President Bush, and several others from Those in The Afterlife. This page is getting international attention, as well it should

Also check out the "Here's Jesus!" where He has plenty to say almost daily on the insanity going on in the world.

A great American patriot once said "These are the times that try men's souls." We would say "This is the time to save men's souls." We can only pray for success, keep telling the world what is happening, and hope they listen, because if they don't we're in big, big trouble!

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September 2, 2,004
Loving His Own Pride

Kingdom Of God extremely disappointed that It could not reach the members of The Republican Party at their convention, and have them reject Vice President Cheney. We have come so very far, we have battled back from the very edge of oblivion, we have literally brought life back to the earth, yet We cannot break through this acceptance of sodomy, this acceptance of evil.
What bothers The Kingdom Of God most, is that Cheney is basically a good man. The evil in him is very shallow. It is his misguided love that is actually creating the problem. If we could direct that love to its proper course, make him understand that submission to evil is not the answer, that no matter how much we love someone involved in it, evil must be opposed, while continuing to love the one that is lost, and try to help them return to The Light.
Sometimes there can simply be no compromise, there can simply be no alternative. It is either follow what is right, or you are doing evil, and this is one of those situations. The people that love their children so much that they will let them do any foulness and call it acceptable do not love their children at all, they only love their own pride, which keeps them from doing what is right. We wish We could be friends with The Vice President, that he would walk away from this evil and say to his child, "I still love you, I want to do all in my power to help you, but I cannot accept what you have become, what you have made yourself, because it is not the way of God." We wish so much he could say that, and tell the world homosexuality is not acceptable, the things he could do then, if he really loved his daughter. The things We could do together!

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The disaster in The Indian Ocean has made some ask "Did the people on The Old Worlds have such disasters, and were They better prepared?"  In almost all cases the answer would have to be yes.  Those on The Old Worlds definitely had such disasters.  But The Havens generally lived in high places, and being winged beings could simply take to the sky and escape tsunamis.  They still did horrendous damage however, and an early warning system was definitely an advantage.  But They suffered other cataclysmic disasters, and even in the earliest times had a relief system sat up.  Surplus food was stored in strategic locations, and when a disaster struck was easily transportable to areas where it was needed. 
The Hashons and The Peepians, from the very earliest days, had similar systems.  Everyone had disasters, but all three races seemed to be better prepared to deal with them than humans are.  Of course in the later ages many disasters could be predicted...earthquakes, tsunamis, severe storms, those type of things, and people could be evacuated from the affected areas so that the loss of life was minimal.  And some disasters could even be avoided with force shield technology that broke up tidal surges and sometimes even broke up severe storms.  But all in all, The Ancients seemed to be a little bit ahead of humans in these matters.  Actually I think They were a lot ahead of humans in these matters! 

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