September 3, 2,004
George Washington's Endorsement

 As those around me spoke up and said I must take action! I must get into the fray! I am needed again to lead the battle, I contemplated if I should. So many others were already going forth I wondered if my support was really necessary. Then I read reports that President Bush's opponent says he would listen to our friends and allies before taking any action and would not offend them by doing anything against their wishes, then I came to realize that if President Bush does not win this election he will be the last true American President. Though The United States will have a President in name, the president of The United Nations will be running The United States, the Germans and the French will be running The United States.
 I was the first President. I do not want George W. Bush to be the last one. That's why I must support him for reelection. I would have preferred to stay out of the struggle, to let my countrymen decide for themselves, and let their own conscience be their guide. But there is simply too much outside interference, there is simply too much dark power behind the opposition, and if Those Who Dwell In The Light do not come forward and attack those bringing forth the Darkness, the people have no hope. So, therefore, I have joined the struggle. I support George W. Bush with every fiber of my being, with every bit of my existence! I will be reaching out to those people who I have chosen to speak with, and I will say to them "Never let America be swayed! Never let it be led by others, but let it forever lead the way in doing what is right! We are not controlled by the world, we control the world by doing the will of God, by doing what is right when it must be done. George W. Bush leads us in this way, and he must continue to do so."

George Washington, 
Proud To Have Been  
The First President Of The United States,
Now A Resident Of The Kingdom Of God

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Teddy Roosevelt's Endorsement
I am asked to make a statement why I am working to reelect President Bush. Unfortunately Everybody else has already spoken what I would like to say. Jesus says he's the one. How can you argue with that? He's a President who has the courage to do what needs to be done to save the world, even if the public doesn't want him to do it. He's a President that understands the principle that you have to offer everybody peace, that if nobody bothers you, you don't bother them. But when they bother you, you better have enough fire power that they're going to regret they ever did! Your stick has to be a lot bigger than theirs, and you have to be able to swing it a lot harder!
I cannot understand, myself, why any person in The United States, male or female, could be against President Bush. When they see the ignorance that is happening in Iraq, and the kind of people we're fighting, they should all realize, without any doubt, whatsoever, that we don't want them people over here, we don't want them ruling our country! And as sure as God is in Heaven, if we don't fight them, they will be ruling our country, and we can't wait for The United Nations to decide that it is time for us to do our fighting! The President Of The United States decides when The United States fights, not The United Nations.
That's about all I can say. If that isn't enough, I don't know what would be. We not only have a good President, we have an excellent President, a President that we should keep. Those who oppose him would let the world run The United States' affairs. He would let those who use The United States for their own ends tell us when we can and can't act. I say, as a loyal American, never, ever! God forbid! The United States fights when The United States knows it needs to fight! Nobody tells it how or when, and you don't want any man in office that says we should let others guide our destiny. That's what I've got to say, and I hope the American people will listen!

Teddy Roosevelt, 
Former President Of The U. S. Of A  And Damned Proud Of It!
Resident Of The Kingdom Of God 
By The Profound Love And Grace Of  Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ

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September 5, 2,004
Will Rogers

The Kingdom Of God continues to deploy Its Forces in the struggle against Kerry and The Democrats. One of Oklahoma's favorite sons, Will Rogers, approached Jesus and said "I've still got quite a following back home. I think I could persuade some people that what The Democrats are doin' isn't right. I know I never was no politician, but still people used to listen to me, and some still might. I sure would like to take a try at representing You to the people of Oklahoma." Jesus smiled and answered, "I cannot think of any greater honor than I could have, than the one that has just been presented me, that a true man of God would come forth and represent me to his people. I am honored, and you most certainly may take this place in my name, and may God The Father give you the power to reach His people, and to fill them with the wisdom that you have so often shown. So now Oklahoma has a Champion, a voice is there speaking for Heaven, and saying "Follow The Word Of God, don't listen to men that will lead you places you don't wanna go." A member of The Cherokee Nation, and his wife stand with The Son Of God. Somebody said the other day they wouldn't want to be a Democrat. I know I'm glad I'm not one!



Many men seek the honor and prestige of their fellow man.  They do many things trying to gain their favor so they will be remembered in history.  But there is a fundamental truth that many of them forget.  It does not matter how you look, it does not matter what you say.  What matters is what you do.  That is what will make a person remembered in history.  

           -Ben Franklin

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