October 28, 2,004
Save Our Children!

 What will The Kingdom Of God, Heaven, be doing on Election Day?  It will be fighting for the very survival of Its children, for the very continuance of mankind.  It will be struggling to keep Kerry from being elected and destroying Their children.  Its Leader, Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ, will be in a simple home in Fargo, North Dakota, which is now the focal point of all of His power on Earth.  From there He will direct the operations to stop Kerry. He would like to have been working from a church, but all the local ministers in Fargo have rejected His message and refused to help Him.  So He must use those who are still loyal to Him.  
 For the last week The Angelic Choir has been singing the same songs every fifteen minutes, "Don't Vote For Kerry! (Stop The Pervert!"), "Kerry Is A Loser!", "Vote Republican!", "Edwards Is Simply Not The Man!", and "We're Gonna Get 'Em Again!" (Audio demos of these songs are available upon request.) An hour before the polls open in The United States every available person in The Afterlife who is not doing something absolutely vital will join the singing, not just Those in The Kingdom Of God, but Everyone that can be spared throughout The Afterlife will join in this effort to reach the subconscious of every voter in America and turn them against Kerry.  The entire Force of The Afterlife will be put against him as was put against Gore in the 2,000 election.  All in The Afterlife of every religion feels it is paramount to stop Kerry, that he must not be President Of The United States.  They are putting Their full support with The Kingdom Of God to defeat him.  
 To make every bit of power available that can be had, every project in the world that The Kingdom Of God is working on will be temporarily shut down, every Worker will be taken away from those projects and put into the effort to defeat Kerry.  So strong is the belief that Kerry must be defeated, Muhammed is shutting down his efforts in Iraq, which are extremely important, for the entire election period.  Only one project in the world will be continued because it is absolutely vital for the survival of mankind that it be successful, but it is the only project that will be continued.  
 Every leader of The Kingdom Of God, and the Leaders of every other religion in The Afterlife will be in the material world taking an area and directing the effort to beat Kerry.  Only Mary, The Mother Of Jesus, will not be, because she is in charge of the one project that must be continued, and cannot be taken away from this vital task.  
 An hour before the polls open Angelic Messengers will enter them and drive out all creatures of Darkness trying to influence the voters.  The Angelic Messengers will then begin to repeat the same simple message over and over again, "Don't vote for Kerry!  Save Our children!"  The Angelic Messengers will concentrate on each voter as they enter the polls, and stay with them right up until the moment they vote.  If they vote for President Bush They will put God's blessing upon them.  If they vote for Kerry they will mark them as the damned so they will await eternal destruction.  The Angelic Messengers will stay in the polls until all voting is done in that area.  Then, They will go on to reinforce Those working elsewhere.  Everything, virtually everything The Kingdom Of God has will be poured into this effort!  It is a life or death struggle!  
 This is what is being pitted against Kerry.  This is the power that is rising against him, that is being readied for Election Day.  In 2,000 They were successful, They beat back Gore.  Now All are praying They are just as successful in 2,004, and beat back Kerry.  If the people were aware, if they knew what was happening it would help.  It would give The Kingdom Of God's Forces that much more power, it would give Them that much more push.  If the people knew all of Heaven was fighting for Their children, were calling out to them with everything They have, it would help them respond.  God is calling to the world, He is saying "Save my children!  Don't let them be sodomized, don't let them be destroyed forever!"  Every voice speaking out adds that much more power.  Do not forsake The Lord Of Heaven!  Join the struggle!  Listen to the Angel that is now touching you, the Angel that goes out with each of our messages.  Join the struggle, be part of the glory!  When you walk up to The Gates Of Heaven be able to say "Lord, I fought for You, I fought for Your children.  I did not surrender to evil, I saw The Light and I stood fast!"  Join us!  Save our children!  


Mankind squabbles over little bits of land, when there is vast areas of the world that lie vacant, only awaiting the technology to make them bloom, when the moon circles about the world empty, waiting for life, when Mars cries for souls to inhabit it.  God gave man bounty beyond belief.  If only man would have the wisdom to take it and stop killing each other. 

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