August 19, 2,004
Jefferson Davis' Endorsement

 It is with remarkable joy that I find I have been given this opportunity to speak to you on behalf of Those of what was called The Confederacy. When Jesus, The Light Unto All The World, Our Glory And Our Salvation put out the call asking people to join Him in this great effort to reelect George W. Bush many came to me and said "Because of the work that you already do for The Society Of Confederate Atonement, those in Virginia are used to hearing your spiritual messages and many respond to you, as they respond to no one else. You are the one that is needed in this effort to save our children from sodomy. It would be a great opportunity to help lift the burdon on many Souls that were part of The Confederacy and are weighed down by things that they allowed of like manner for the sake of their own prosperity. If we fight this abomination now and help reelect President Bush, it can do nothing but help Our circumstances."
 I answered, "Well and good! God grant that We have this opportunity. For I do believe what you say is true. During Our time a man of white complexion could buy a young black man, take him to his home, and make him do whatever he wished. And the young man had no recourse but to do so. Now those who would sodomize children wish to start something very similar. They call it civil union, a means by which unscrupulous men can trick young, unsuspecting men into inhuman bondage that would be recognized by society and approved of by some.
As we fight for the reelection of President Bush We must make it clearly understood that We will resist to the limit of Our existence those who would permit young men to be so enslaved into an indecent relationship. We will declare to the world that any such relationships are immoral and unacceptable and God forbids! There is no discussion, there is no compromise, there is no alternative. It cannot be!
This is the main reason The Kingdom Of God rises up against The Democratic Party because it is so much like what We once were, anything for economic prosperity, do anything to keep the rich rich, even betray the innocent. We went down that road before, and We are still paying the price for that action. We cannot, in good conscience allow our children to make that mistake again and destroy themselves! We must do all in Our power to protect them from the evil that would destroy them. And by God, We will! We will stand together, black and white, We will accept the union of man and woman of any color, but We will never accept the union of a man and a man, or, a woman and a woman. This is not the way of God. It is not the way of the south. It is dishonor and shame, and We must stand fast against it. God calls all who are true Christians. He says "Come and join the righteous Fighters. Come and do battle against evil!" I pray to God you hear Him, and that you join Us.

Jefferson Davis, 
Former President Of The Confederacy
  Now, Leader Of The Society For Confederate Atonement,

And By The Grace Of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ, 
A Resident Of The Glorious And Wonderful Kingdom Of God

Which All Men Should Desire With Every Fibre Of Their Being.
No Man Should Forsake What Awaits Them In Heaven For Earthly Greed.

*  *  *

The Apostle Matthew's Endorsement

This is a rather new experience for me. I have not left The Kingdom Of God for nearly two thousand years! This is the first time I have ever ventured back to the material world, as you call it, for any purpose, whatsoever! But I am told I have just the right vibrations for the people of Wisconsin, that they will respond to me better than any other member of The Heavenly Hosts. So I have approached Our Lord And Savior and asked Him if I might take the responsibility of leading you in this great struggle to defeat the forces of Darkness and save the children of mankind from those who, in their greed and lust, would sodomize them, who will accept any evil alliance if they believe it will give them material power. I sincerely hope, as I join The Kingdom Of God's efforts to reelect President George W. Bush, and stop The Democrats who are now controlled by creatures of Darkness and do not realize they are endangering the very existence of Earth as a viable world, we must put our full efforts not only into reelecting President Bush, but into stopping the pervert movement and removing it from those Christian institutions that it has become embedded in, not in hate, not in anger, but in God's great love with the understanding that these are sick and disturbed people, and those that support them are misguided and lost. That it is the way of The Kingdom Of God that even when We have to do harsh things We do them with as much kindness as possible. Again, I sincerely pray to God The Father, that you accept my spiritual guidance in this mission, and that you will help me defeat those who would destroy everything We believe in by denying the messages of God and leading children into sin.

Your Faithful Servant 
And The Faithful Servant Of 
Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ
Matthew, Called His Apostle 
Resident Of The Kingdom Of God  
And Defender Of Its Truths

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