March 7, 2,005
Jesus Pushing Bismarck

 Jesus is really pushing this thing in Bismarck!  I keep telling Him not to ask for donations, it's the fastest way to discredit us.  The moment you ask for donations people say "Oh, they're just after money!" and you never hear from them again.  But again, He's on this thing that He wants everybody that worships Him to send us $1.00.  I keep telling Him it will never happen, but He believes He can get people to do it.  Though He's pushing Bismarck like anything, He still says there is a possibility we may go someplace else, that He is working on something else, that it may be a race as to who finds us a publisher first.  If somebody else finds us a publisher and will provide us with a residence for a year He will let us go there, providing the publisher can give us the advance we need.  I don't know when He's going to put a stop to this and say "O.k., they've had enough time!  That's it!  We're going to Bismarck!"  I think I have said before, we'd simply like to get it settled so we can put our full powers to other things.  But keep checking "Here's Jesus!"  If anything happens that's where the news will be first posted.  If you know a publisher and you think he wants to be part of God's Glory  send him this ad, tell him about it!  I don't think we've got more than a week.  I think after that it's going to be pretty well settled that it's Bismarck.  But if you want to give it a try and bring God's glory to your city, you're more than welcome.  The letters Jesus sent out this weekend are below.

March 6, 2,005

A Letter To The Staff Of R P From The Lord Of Heaven

 Below is a letter I recently sent to the editor of The Bismarck Tribune in the hopes that he would publish it so that the public may be made known of the tremendous circumstances that are occuring.  If they have not yet published it by the time you have received this message, I ask that you contact them and ask them to.  But this is not the only reason I am writing you.  As this letter says, I am desperately seeking a book publisher to help get my servants' work to the public.  I even put the following ad in The Tribune.

ARE YOU A BOOK PUBLISHER? Have you always wanted to be part of a miracle? Jesus is coming to Bismarck. He's looking for you! Write

If you know of any publisher in the area with the resources to take on such a task, I would be very grateful if you were to refer them to us.  I have had my servants prepare a letter expressing my exact desires in this matter.  If you wish you may email them, and they will send it to you.  There is also another matter I would like to discuss with you.  Until my servants get a publisher, they are in desperate need of funds.  They do not like to take charity.  They like to give something in return for any gifts they are given.  I would appreciate it very much if you would ask each member of your staff to donate a dollar to Our efforts to establish a headquarters in your community.  You will never be asked for anything from me again, just one dollar, one time in your life, to help those who have faithfully served me when all others would not speak what I wanted spoken.  In exchange each person that donates can have their name put on one of my "Here's Jesus!" pages.  They can look through them, select the one they like best, and as long as these pages exist their name will be there to show that they have supported God's Cause.  We ask you to gather these funds and send them in one check to Speaker Gerald Polley, 3030 North 19th St., No. 12, Bismarck, ND 58503-5303.   If you will help Us bring My Father's Glory to Bismarck, I will be eternally grateful.  I am reaching out to save my children from those who, in their lust will destroy them.  I am in hopes that you will help them.  

March 5, 2,005
     An Open Letter To The People Of Bismarck   From The Lord Of Heaven  

 My Most Sincere Greetings!

My sincere thanks to your most gracious newspaper that printed my recent ad requesting a publisher.  Though it did not yet get Us one it has started a flow of energy into Bismarck which my servants are able to draw upon, and will be able to use when they arrive in your community.  For this I am most grateful!  But We are still in need of more.  We are coming to Bismarck because We have used up the energy in Fargo, where I have kept my earthly residence for the last five years.  By coming to Bismarck We will be able to draw on a new source of energy so my servants will be able to continue the battle against those who want to sodomize Our children and destroy Israel.  These are dark times.  
I am writing to request that you pray for us, that you pray for my servants, that they may perform God's Service.  These are dark and terrible hours.  One reason We had to leave Fargo is that though the energy was there my servants were not welcomed by any congregation.  They had no place to pray and be recharged with God's power.  So they slowly used up the energy that was available to them there, and this relocation was forced.  I ask God The Father to open the hearts of the people of Bismarck, I ask that some congregation there welcome my servants and provide them with fellowship so that their power will not be drained as it was in Fargo, but that each week it be refreshed so that they may do God's labors with a new vitality, a new strength, a new fortitude.  Those who would destroy all We love with their lust and greed can be stopped if everyone works together.  I ask for your prayers, I ask for your good will, that God's purpose may be fulfilled, and that His Glory be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  I make this public appeal as I did in old, calling to the people of God to unite as one, and help His servants defeat His enemies.  Your prayers are more important to Us than gold, your belief more important to Us than great temples.  Every true believer gives Us hope, every false believer gives Us failure.  Be counted among the true.  Receive God's Messengers and join in the battle to save Our precious ones. 
Each day I speak to you on the internet, on a place that is called "Here's Jesus!"

I welcome your questions, I desire to hear your needs, that God The Father may work to fulfill them.  Those I send unto you are my eyes and my ears, my flesh and bone.  I call them "My Rocks And Stones," for they have truly served me when all others forsook me.  Now I ask that others join the battle.  There is no compromise with evil, there is no middle ground.  You are either with me, or, you are against me.  I pray that you will be with me.  When this letter is published in your most gracious newspaper I will send my Angelic Messengers, The Hosts Of Heaven, The Holy Spirit, with every single copy so that whoever takes it and reads it will be touched by an Angel and be told "This is the truth, this is truly a message from The Lord Of Heaven, from The Son Of God.  Believe and obey!  Follow His desires."  With all my heart, with all that I am I ask you to listen to the Angels.

Yours In The Service Of Our Father In Heaven, Now, And, Forever,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ


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