June 15, 2,005
Jesus Saved Michael

  Today's "Here's Jesus!" is a blockbuster!  


  Jesus acknowledges that His Agents played a fundamental role in Michael Jackon's acquittal and He wants everyone to remember that He was saying Michael was innocent and was working for his acquittal while everybody else was saying he was guilty and a conviction was a sure thing.  Again, The Kingdom Of God has proven Its power.  They were as surprised with a complete victory just as everybody else was.  But it was Their victory, none the less, not in any way criticizing Michael's defense attorneys.  They did an excellent job and made The Kingdom Of God's success possible.  Again, it is an excellent example of the material and the spiritual working together to achieve a goal, and They certainly achieved this goal!  Jesus sends His well done to the defense team, as well as to His Agents that worked on the jurors spiritually.  A fine job well done by everybody!  But Jesus just wants it remembered we told everybody he was defending Michael.  He doesn't want that forgotten.
This added a glorious conclusion to the celebrations of John Lennon and Mary Marie's marriage, and their work in saving The Kingdom Of God.  They consider it an excellent anniversary gift!  Boy, was that a party!  Nothing has ever been seen like it before.  It is such a thrill to our people to have a group from The Kingdom Of God singing "Memorial" in The Republic.  A few years ago such a thing would've been unthinkable.  But now the unity between the two houses of Heaven is so strong that the unthinkable has become daily occurrences.    

June 27, 2,005
Wow Is Here

Well, a lot of stuff going on this weekend!  First of all, "Wow!" is ready!  The web site's up, and people can order the ebook!  Check it out.  George is asking $10.00 for the hundred and fifteen pages.  Lot of stuff in it!  George wants to sell a hundred thousand copies.  It'll probably take us two months to get John's book up so he has a chance to get a real head start on it.  But John wants to do the same thing...sell a hundred thousand copies of his book.  And whichever one does first, wins the little competition they're having. 

**This website is no longer available.**

George is on the left!
 Sent the letter below to the local t.v. stations in Chicago this weekend.  Continue to be appalled by this situation!  Forums used to be fun.  You could go on and get some good discussions going.  But now every one of them is like this.  The only thing that is on them is people that want to insult and degrade anything decent.  Their foulness is unbelievable!  Now they are trying to get us put off the web site because we're offending them!  They think it's perfectly appropriate to call people names, to treat them dispisably.  We'll never agree with it!
 People visiting the forum for the Jimmy Kimmel, Live! t.v. show on ABC are absolutely appalled by the sadistic attacks being made against Oprah Winfrey there.  Many of the regular posters have fled the site because it has been taken over by several individuals that constantly scream their hatred of Oprah.  Senseless ravings against her that make no sense, whatsoever.  Many wonder why this is being allowed.  We recommend you go to the site and check out the postings by oprahsucks who seems to be the leader of the "I hate Oprah" group.  This situation is appalling and should not be allowed to continue.  Decent people should speak up and tell ABC this should be stopped. Criticism is one thing, open racism and hatred is another.  Here is the link to the forum. 
**This posting is no longer available.**

 Financial situation continues to get worse.  Only a little over $600 left.  George is hoping his book will help with that.  We can only hope.  
 Had a problem with "Here's Jesus!" this week.  Had to put up an audio only version, no video, because we're running out of room on the Angelfire site.  Trying to find some other place for the video so we can simply put a link on Angelfire.  But nothing yet.  We've also had reports that people can't get through to "Songs From Beyond 2".  Hopefully this is just a short term thing and this web site isn't gone like the other one.  
 Both of us are still suffering from this cold, and it has set back Gerald's recovery a little, but are managing to keep the Work going.  
 Mailed a short message to all the talk shows we could reach and, news shows about the introductory video for John Lennon's book.  We are asking others to pass it around, too.  Those who have seen it are really excited about it.  Some people say it has virtually brought them to tears, and they want more people to see it.  That wouldn't hurt our feelings at all!  It's on the right beside George's book.
 Well that's about it for today.  The Work continues, very unliked by some people, but It continues. 

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