July 1, 2,005
Jesus' Fourth Of July Greetings

The Lord Of Heaven Here!  I wish to take this opportunity to wish all Americans a happy and safe 4th Of July.  May you celebrate and appreciate all that that that your forebears gave you.  The Kingdom Of God will be having a full and complete 4th Of July celebration this year.  Those of American heritage will be celebrating the glory that they have done for God in bringing freedom to the world, and separating the church and the state, and to keep people from persecuting others because of their religious beliefs.  
I would like to take this opportunity to salute some really special Americans; Kevin & Bean of KROQ, Los Angeles, California, and their staff, who, when The Kingdom Of God was in Its darkest hour heard the call, and answered it, and put my servants on the air, and helped them get God's message to His people, and caused the opening of the power that turned things around and now gives Us a fighting chance to save mankind.  I wish to express God's joy and happiness that such people exist, and are true Americans, and will let others speak out even when what they say is unpopular with some others.  
We desperately need more Americans like this, who will speak out and do the will of God even when it upsets some other people.  We have offered Our power to many Americans and they have refused it because they do not want to upset their relatives and neighbors.  We need people to accept God's power.  This is a glorious 4th Of July, but it will be even more glorious when those who are offered God's power accept and use it, like these wonderful people in Los Angeles have.  We need more heroes.  Have a great 4th Of July!  But remember, God could make it much, much better if you follow His way!  

Yours In His Service, Now And Forever,

Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ

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