July 20, 2,005
People Are Reading Our Emails!

People on the forums keep telling us that nobody's paying any attention to us, that nobody even bothers to read the emails that we're sending out.  Well, with the marvels of the internet we think we can prove that wrong!  We sent out the email Monday, July 18th, about our new web site praising Jimmy Kimmel.  This was the only way anybody could have known about it that day.  We have a total of eight visits to the web site that went over it thoroughly.  The people came from

Broomfield, CA, San Diego, CA, Burbank, CA, Germantown, MD, Syracuse, NY, Bismarck, ND, Johnstown, PA, Colorado Springs, CO, Atlanta, GA.  
As you can see, somebody is reading our material, and, from diverse places, not just one particular part of the country.  This is encouraging to us, for it does show that those saying we aren't listened to are wrong.  When people get 20,000 visits a month to their web sites, somebody's listening, somebody out there is keeping track!  And we're extremely grateful to each and every one of them because they keep the power going, they give The Kingdom Of God a fighting chance to save Its children, to save the earth.  Every visit, every contact may lead to the one that will give us what we need to fulfill our mission.  Seeing these responses to our emails is encouraging, and we bless the people that make this information possible, that allow us to check on the visitations to our sites and see where those visits are coming from.  The internet is a marvelous thing!  It just might save the world.


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