July 25, 2,005
God Is Gone

The Afterlife is in absolute turmoil this morning.  Sunday, July 24, 2,005.  It is hard to find the words to explain what has happened, but God has abandoned mankind!  The Holiest Of All is empty.  The Presence that was always in it has departed from It, and most feel it is because we have failed in our mission in Bismarck to establish an earthly residence for God's power.  To give you a full understanding we must give you a description of the chain of events.  
Thursday, the 21st, we had a considerable hail storm that did quite a bit of damage in the area, and began to sense that there was something wrong.  The atmosphere was changing, the vibrations in the area were changing.  We did not know, however, immediately what was going on.  
Then Saturday, the 23rd, we received a letter from the church that Jesus and God were trying to reach in Bismarck to make it God's residence on earth.  The minister called us children of the devil and told us we were not permitted to attend his church any more, unless we accepted its doctrines completely.  God The Father immediately told us to prepare a letter telling the minister that because he had rejected God's servants, God The Father was withdrawing from His temple, and taking with Him His Son, and, all of His Angelic Messengers.  That God Himself, had touched him, and Jesus had touched him but he had rejected Them, and therefore had rejected The Kingdom Of God.  We dispatched this letter and thought that would be the end of it.  
About 11 o'clock that night Jesus summoned me to The Afterlife to The Holiest Of All.  I knew immediately something was wrong because the golden glow that usually filled The Holiest Of All was gone and was replaced by a silvery glow.  Jesus asked me to enter The Holiest Of All and tell Him what I found There. I did so and found nothing.  There was no Presence in The Holiest Of All.  The comfort and joy that usually filled it was gone.  I came out and informed Jesus of this.  "Then, it is true," Jesus announced.  "Because mankind has betrayed God The Father, refused His Glory, refused His servants, He has forsaken Us.  Our fellowship with Him has gone."  I could do nothing but agree that that certainly did seem to be the case.  I asked Jesus for His instructions.  "We must carry on," He answered, "We must do what We can.  I have been given no instructions.  But I believe I know God The Father's wishes.  We must find a place that will openly take His Glory, a temple on earth where He can reside and dispatch His power to all the world to save His children from sodomy.   Such a place must be found and the people must accept God's power willingly.  Those who have rejected Him will pass away.  We must find those who are still loyal to Him.  Tell the world what has happened.  Tell the world God has been rejected, His people have turned from Him and are walking into the Darkness.  And until they return to Him, He will not abide with Us, for We are unworthy of Him, for We have failed Him."  
That is what has happened, as best as I can describe it.  We simply do not know what to do from here!  If we have failed so utterly in the place on earth where God's power is the strongest in the world, we simply do not know how we can succeed any place else!  But the power is being drained from every church in Bismarck.  God has removed Himself from them, and taken all of His Messengers with Him.  Another place must be found for this power! 

The Polleys

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