August 29, 2,005
Heavenly Residences Demolished!

This is a report that I never thought there would ever be a possibility of my giving!  As we have told you Jesus is not officially in charge in The Kingdom Of God.  He will not officially retake His Throne until Hillary Clinton is out of office.  Lord Peter is in charge of The Kingdom Of God in His absence.  Yesterday Jesus came to Lord Peter and announced "My peoples' homes in Gaza are being destroyed.  God's Temples there are being demolished.  Demolish the residence that has been prepared for Ariel Sharon, and for all those who support him in this betrayal of my people.  Also, destroy the Heavenly abodes of President and Mrs. Bush.  There shall be no place for them in my Kingdom either.  Despite what they have done for me in the past their failure now dooms my people, dooms the world.  So they will not abide with me."  With that Jesus left, and Lord Peter immediately carried out His instructions. The Angels went out and demolished the places where those mentioned would have dwelled in The Kingdom Of God.  The splendor and beauty that would've been theirs because they fought God's battles is gone, forever.  Whatever they have now will depend on if they ever awaken and truly start to serve The Lord Of Heaven.  There are going to be an awful lot of very unhappy people at The Gates Of Heaven when they learn there is no place for them There, any more.  They had their power on earth.  They glorified themselves to mankind.  They did what mankind wanted.  They have their praise and honor.  It is all that they will have.
On a happier note, Jesus is absolutely delighted with the skit that "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!"  did about Pat Robertson's diet drink.  Jesus says "I could've written that myself!  It was exactly what I wanted.  And was it ever funny!"  He sends His well done to Jimmy and his staff again!  If The Kingdom Of God ever needed a good laugh, if They ever needed some encouragement it is now, and They are extremely grateful that it was given to Them. 
That's about it for today!  Nothing much new.  George's book has been downloaded 111 times and John's book has been downloaded 133 times.  We have gotten some very nice comments on John's book.  One person said "I couldn't go to bed, I had to keep reading!"  Like to hear more comments like that!
Linda has moved all the web site pages we wanted from Fortunecity to their new locations.  Now they are available without banners or pop ups.  Be sure to check out the new and improved Reading Room at

and, our new and improved resume page from the link below.  We're sure you'll enjoy them.

The Polleys

August 30, 2,005
A Visit From God?

Has anybody noticed that a few days ago we informed everyone that God was so angry with The United States because Israel was betraying His people that He had abandoned mankind.  That a few days after that Jesus said He could not carry on the truce with The United States any more and would have to continue His efforts to destroy the American economy.  What has happened?  A moderate hurricane entered The Gulf Of Mexico after going over Florida.  It should have gone into The Gulf Coast and done very little damage.  Instead, it sat in The Gulf Of Mexico and churned up into a category 5 then headed straight for New Orleans, the most vulnerable city in The United States, not quite delivering a killer blow, but making things very nasty, nonetheless doing all kinds of things that a hurricane has never done before.  Yet nobody is putting two and two together and coming up with the fact that The Kingdom Of God is very, very angry.  And when Jesus says He's gonna mess things up, you'd better be assured things are gonna get messed up!  Jesus says He'd like to make the next one a category 5, bring it right up the east coast, have it come ashore in Washington D.C.  with 130 to 150 mile an hour winds, and rip apart a few federal office buildings.  Then maybe some people there would pay attention to Him.  But I doubt it.  They'll just call it the effects of global warming.  At least now they are admitting there are effects, probably because they can't admit what's really happening.  They're destroying the world, destroying mankind.  Undoubtedly God and Jesus are going to try to get their attention again.  It's going to be interesting to see what They do next!  But if a category 5 hits Washington D.C. don't be surprised!  Nothing should surprise anybody right now, nothing. 


Recent art by Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ.  More can be found at



Here's a question that came recently!  Jesus has been creating art through Speaker Gerald Polley.  Has He ever done this before?  Has He ever used any other peoples' bodies to do art work?  The answer is yes!  He has done this through the ages, either by giving the artists verbal instructions, or, by actually using their physical being Himself to create Works of art.  One of His favorite vessels in years past was Leonardo DaVinci who He directed many times.  Another was Picasso.  Jesus has touched many famous painters throughout the ages!  Speaker Gerald Polley admits he's not that good, but Jesus likes to work with him because he'll put out the Work Jesus produces, even if it's unpopular.  There has been only one piece that Jesus has done that Gerald won't release because it is simply too graphic.  Jesus was in a very bad mood when he made it and it's just too expressive.  But all other Works that have come through from The Lord Of Heaven have been given to the public.  It is one of the ways of spreading Jesus' power.  Yes, Jesus uses artists of every kind. He has for untold ages.

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