November 18, 2,006
Projected Winners

Those in The Afterlife don't always agree with the winners of the Music Awards in the material world. We have been given the official results for over There. They are below. It will be interesting to see how they compare to the results in the material world. But as far as anything musical goes right now, the hottest thing in The Afterlife is The Pussycat Dolls! Everybody loves them! Their performances are played on big screens in the nightclubs constantly! And there are several copy groups in The Afterlife that sing in their style. It can only be called a phenomena, but what a phenomena!

POP/ROCK 1. Favorite Male Artist; Sean Paul 2. Favorite Female Artist Mariah Carey
3. Favorite Band, Duo or Group; Pussycat Dolls 4. Favorite Album; Stadium Arcadium- Red Hot Chili Peppers

COUNTRY 1. Favorite Male Artist; Toby Keith 2. Favorite Female Artist; Carrie Underwood 3. Favorite Band, Duo or Group; Rascal Flatts 4. Favorite Album; Legend Of Johnny Cash by Johnny Cash

SOUL/RYTHM & BLUES 1. Favorite Male Artist; Chris Brown 2. Favorite Female Artist; Mariah Carey 3. Favorite Band, Duo or Group; The Black Eyed Peas 4. Favorite Album; The Emancipation Of Mimi by Mariah Carey

RAP/HIP-HOP 1. Favorite Male Artist; Eminem 2. Favorite Band, Duo or Group; The Black Eyed Peas 3. Favorite Album; Monkey Business by The Black Eyed Peas

ADULT CONTEMPORARY- Favorite Artist; Rob Thomas

ALTERNATIVE MUSIC- Favorite Artist; Red Hot Chili Peppers

LATIN MUSIC- Favorite Artist; Shakira

CONTEMPORARY INSPIRATIONAL- Favorite Artist; Kirk Franklin


Linda has made a music video of John Lennon's new song for Michael Jackson! It's up at You Tube and on our web site. Here's the links! For the large version just go to the music video page and click on the "Michael, Our Dear Michael!" link!

***This video is now only available on our web site from the link below.***

We have been asked why John Lennon is so interested in Michael Jackson. Well, first of all, besides his own son, John thinks Michael would be the most appropriate to do his new music. He has that spark, John says, that so few have. He believes he could bring each song to life and make the people in the material world enjoy them as much as those in The Afterlife. Secondly, Michael's a fighter. If Yoko Ono objected to him doing the music and tried to block it legally, John believes Michael would mount a legal battle and defeat her, or, buy her out to get her consent to produce the music. John doesn't think Michael would cower against Yoko. If he likes the music he would produce it. And John thinks he would like the music. That's why he would love to reach Michael and offer him some of the songs that have thusfar, saved the world. John appears to know people, to be able to understand them, and to sense how they would feel on things. He can see Michael doing the numbers and the public going crazy over them. He even has visions of Michael doing some of the numbers with Linda! John is now an Apostle Of Jesus Christ. We'll have to see if he's a prophet as well, and if what he sees comes true. We would certainly get a kick out of Michael and Linda doing a few numbers together! Those would be some videos people would pay attention to!


They're Just A Little Bit More Mellow!

We are often asked "Why are Those in The Afterlife so different from those in the material world? It seems like people's tastes have changed when they leave this world." Well, that's true! Many of peoples' charachteristics remain, but those that survive the world's perils tend to become a lot mellower, rather they were good, or rather they were bad, things that they laughed at in the material world simply aren't funny to them any more. They realize the wrong in them. Things that they enjoyed in the material world aren't that enjoyable any more. They realize they weren't worth that much. They often long for the things that They lost...time with Their children, time to enjoy a sunset, time to enjoy a sunrise. Sometimes its the simplest things that people regret. A mother often wishes she hadn't interfered so much in her daughter's life, a father sometimes wishes he had stressed honesty and decency a little more to his son. People just become more mellow. They realize that there wasn't that much middle ground, things were either good or, they were bad, and maybe they leaned just a little bit too much towards the bad. So they don't like Their music quite as wild, They don't like women dressed quite so little, They don't like boys looking like girls. They want things to be the way they should have been. That's why They're a little different. That's why They like the milder things. Oh, sometimes They like a lively music group. They still enjoy life, but They're just a little bit more mellow!


I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. ( Sir Winston Churchill )

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