November 3,2,006
What An Awful Waste!

We read a news report that the art school that John Lennon once attended in England was going to be converted into apartments. We asked what John thought of it. Apparently he didn't like the place too much because his answer was "Good riddance! Right now I've got far too much going on to think about that old place!"
Both Linda and I have been picking up incredible vibes the last couple of days. We suspect something is going on but we don't know what! Hopefully it's something good. But it gets really frustrating sometimes when you can feel so much and nothing is coming to you.
We've finished "Space: Above And Beyond"! That made Everybody happy! Here's the address again. We hope everybody enjoys it. Let you know how many pages will be available for give aways shortly.

Was watching Nova the other night about black holes. It is still hard to believe that ages ago The Havens used to mine them for heavy matter that They used in a lot of Their technology! It took hundreds of ships to create a gravity well so Their mining equipment would reach down and bring back material that was ejected into space to be retrieved. The incredible technology that is now all gone! What we could be doing if we hadn't destroyed each other, how far we could have gone! What a senseless waste when there are people that know only to kill and destroy to have their way! It still deeply disturbs Us on a racial basis.
Gerald has eight more pens to add to the goodie box. He bought some rose art pens when he had his heart attack to do his art work with. Him and Jesus used them quite a bit. But they don't want to work any more. Several of them are still half full of ink and it simply won't come out. Rather Gerald let them set too long between uses or what, we don't know. But he's soaked them in hot water to get them to work for a while, and everything else. But they simply don't want to put down any more ink! So Gerald's going to have to get some new ones. Now Muhammed is just as insistent as John Lennon was that he create at least one simple work a day, so they're piling up on his work table. And one of these days he'll have to get them in his art book, if he's got enough storage pages. Always something!
Of course the scanner's not working again so we can't put any of them up on line. We're going to have to play catch up on the Art Gallery when we can get a working scanner again. Somebody told us we need a computer just for scanning, just for printing, and just for the internet! Yeah! Where would we put them all? Gerald keeps dreaming this blond computer expert shows up and gets all this stuff working for us. He sure wishes she'd knock on the door! We could use the help!
Muhammed cannot believe that we have totally failed in finding someone that speaks and writes Arabic! He wants so much to get his book that will be added to Our History up on line in Arabic so Islamic people can read it. He also wants "Northern Star: The Story Of A Young Angel" translated into Arabic. He really has some ambitious projects! But it's really frustrating when you get responses that say "I really understand you're trying to do good and stop hate but we just don't do things this way! Please find another way of getting your messages out." Sometimes Muhammed just screams. That's the only way we can describe it, he just screams.


Using Heavy Matter On The Old Worlds

We spoke earlier about harvesting heavy metals or heavy matter from black holes, that it was part of Haven technology. We've been asked "What was it used for?" Just about everything! All Our power stations used wankles, which contained two microscopic pieces of heavy matter, exactly balanced against each other. When a small amount of electricity was put in a hundred times more came out! So if you created a feedback loop and constantly fed more and more electricity into the wankle, you could generate just the amount of power you wanted. The only thing that could happen was if the elements got out of balance the wankle would implode! And this would only effect a small area. It was a perfect generator system, no pollution of any kind! You can understand why heavy matter was so important. It also had another very important use. In the shield generators for our ships it was used to create the horrendous magnetic fields around them that deflected matter and made it possible for them to fly far beyond the speed of light. Without these generators high speed space travel would be impossible! It was quite fortunate that Our weapons were so powerful, that when they destroyed a ship they caused the heavy matter to disperse. Particles of heavy matter flying around were not something that you wanted to run into! But you can understand why these elements were so important to Our technology, and why We went to so much trouble to get them! This technology was universal! The Peepians, and, The Hashons also used heavy matter, which They gained from natural sources. But it was just as important to Them. Oh, of course heavy matter was also used in Our anti gravity drive that propelled Us away from planets so We could ignite Our system engines. The technology of The Old Worlds was simply beyond the understanding of most humans. Even some of the alien races have not achieved the level of technology that We did! Maybe that's a good thing!

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