November 4, 2,006
Heaven's Election Campaign

The Kingdom Of God will be beginning Its Work on the election with this sabbath. The Angelic Choir will begin singing "Stand Up!" and "Vote Republican!" every ten minutes until the polls in The United States close. They will throw in different songs at the end of each cycle just so things won't get too boring. Election Day itself, Everyone that can be spared in the entire Afterlife, not just The Kingdom Of God, will join in the singing from the time the polls open in The United States until the time they close. The entire Afterlife will do all in Their power to defeat The Democrats and keep The Republicans in power because they literally believe it is a matter of life and death. They will be putting everything They can make available into this effort. We're hoping for a few more Democratic blunders before Election Day. Kerry has been a tremendous help. Now if we can just get a couple more!
We emailed to Republican campaigns thorughout the country telling them about Muhammed's desire to meet with Bush, and about "Vote Republican!"
We have no idea how many of the messages got through, but we asked everybody to call President Bush and ask him to get in contact with Jimmy Kimmel and have him on, and invite Muhammed.
Speaking of Jimmy Kimmel, some people are upset about Jimmy mentioning the draft dodging issue again. It's a free country, folks! People have a right to express their opinion! Perhaps this would be a good subject for Jimmy and Bush to speak of face to face on the show. The Kingdom Of God has no problem with Bush's military service. They consider it a non issue. There's far more important things.
Of course John Lennon will be temporarily leaving his post in Pakistan to lead The Angelic Choir in the singing. We need our strongest power source! We've gotta have everything We can get! The Kingdom Of God would not only like to see The Republicans maintain their leadership, but They'd like to have them shock the world and actually gain a couple of seats in The House and Senate, absolutely frustrating The Democrats. We can dream!
Everybody is crying about the loss of life in Iraq. This definitely is a bad situation, but the problem is not the people that are dying. Of the 119 Iraqi police officers that died in October, 115 of them made it to The Afterlife without a problem and are doing just fine. Only four of them were involved in things they shouldn't have been involved in and suffered the second death. It is not the innocent dying that are the problem, it's those that are killing them. When they die they will die forever, and if We can't bring down their numbers, if they can't understand they have to stop, they're going to take everybody down with them. Somehow We have to get Muhammed's messages to The Iraqi People and make them understand that those doing the killing are destroying themselves forever. They will not have a chance when they die. They will never see Paradise. Their mothers will lose them, forever. Those are the deaths that matter. Those are the losses we can't endure. Every innocent victim creates another soul that is lost to Us. We have to break this cycle! There is no alternative. These people have to be stopped by whatever means it takes to stop them, or everybody loses! At last Linda found time to update the art gallery! The latest additions are in July and September of 2,006. Here's the link to the page where you can get to all the computer art.

Here's the page in Room 21 which John Lennon suggested, The Animation Room, for the latest, "Stand Up!"

We have been asked why was The Rev. Ted Haggard exposed? He was doing God's Work. Couldn't his little faults be accepted for the greater good? We are sure The Kingdom Of God was responsible, we can't understand why." Well, firstly because the so called reverend, he had no right to be called that, was a hypocrite. While attacking evil he was taking part in it which is never acceptable to The Kingdom Of God. Secondly, he was using funds that were supposed to go for God's Work and to help people, to destroy another man's soul with his lust. That will destroy him. But thirdly and most important, he was blocking God's true messengers, opposing God's true workers, telling people not to listen to them and to follow the ways of man. That is why The Kingdom Of God has exposed him and why It will expose any It can that oppose Its servants, Its true workers, because those true messages must be gotten out. That is why God ordered this man destroyed. Is this guy a member of The Trinity Broadcasting Network? Remember, we told everybody God is after them!


Gay Prophets?

We got an irritating comment a while back that always angers us! It said "Having read The Bible I have come to believe that several of The Prophets were homosexual. They always associated with male companions, and seemed very close to each other. Is there any truth in this?" Absolutely and positively not! It is a strange phenomena with people today to believe that if two men were close friends they were lovers! It is a part of the sickness of modern society. But a careful study of The Bible will show that when Prophets did not have a female companion God sent them to one. None of The Prophets were homosexuals! Persons with this mental ailment could never possibly generate the power that The Prophets used! It would be physically impossible.

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