November 8, 2,006
Hope For Victory!

We hope that the day this email is intended for is a glorious one, that people will be celebrating across the country that their neighbors did not listen to The Democrats' lies and voted in the Republican representatives that will keep this country on the right course. Even The Lord Of Heaven is taking part in the struggle! Jesus is going to individuals in several of the key elections especially the one where The Democrats are trying to use race to get their candidate elected and trying to influence the people to Vote Republican. We so look forward to the election where the harlot, Hillary Clinton, is defeated and removed from her seat of power so Jesus will officially retake His throne and again fully rule The Kingdom Of God. Though Lord Peter is doing an incredible job in his absence and the Work Jesus is doing in the field is very beneficial, Everyone wants Jesus back where He belongs, running the day by day affairs of The Kingdom Of God. Someday victory will be ours, but We long for that day! Let us hope The Democrats are defeated and that day is brought closer!
We have been asked if Saddam Hussein's pleas for unity among the people that he formerly ruled will help his situation. It can't hurt it! But what would really help him is if he would tell where the remaining weapons of mass destruction are, and tell the world he was about to invade Jordan, if President Bush hadn't stopped him The Middle East would now be a blood bath with millions of dead! Then if he asked for The Father Of Fathers to come and execute him so that he would have eternal life, that would really help his situation!
Speaking of those who have lost eternal life, we have been asked if The Kingdom Of God accepts Neil Patrick Harris' admission that he is a happy gay man and will not punish him because he admits what he is, and asks other people to accept it. No! The Kingdom Of God will not accept what he has done. He has become a creature of Darkness, a foul and dispicable thing that is destroying God's children with his lust. He has been removed from The Book Of Life and banished from The Kingdom Of God forever because he teaches the acceptance of his sickness and destroys young men. So have been T.R. Knight and Richard Chamberlain. They are creatures of filth that have damned themselves and tried to damn other young men by getting them to accept their sick and perverted lifestyle! The Kingdom Of God will never accept such individuals! Any who openly admit they are gay, say what they're doing is acceptable and encourage others to do it are immediately removed from The Book Of Life and sentenced to eternal death for they threaten to destroy all of mankind with their perveted lust!
We have been able to upload two large size music videos to our site featuring Linda singing songs by Johann Sebastian Bach: "Here's To The Warriors!" and "Poppa Poppa Zing Zing Zing!" Each has a page feturing the song lyrics and of course a link to click on to watch the videos. The smaller version of "Here's To The Warriors!" will remain at You Tube as it is very popular. You can get to these from the link below, just click on the song titles under Johann Sebastian Bach!

Gerald's latest visit to the foot doctor went very well. The toe is coming along fine. Barring any other unfortunate incidences it should soon be a matter of the past. But Gerald had another one of those little incidences at work. He was reaching up on a shelf and taking down some plates when one of them broke in half, fell on the shelf, broke again, and hit Gerald in the corner of the eye, cutting his eyelid in two places, and another piece hit his nose giving it quite a scratch! Something got in Gerald's eye but he quickly washed it out. Another one of those little miracles. Just a little bit to the left and it would've been Gerald's eye, itself that had been cut. The Angels protected him again! The creatures of Darkness are always trying!


Can Remote Viewers Be Blocked?

They're always talking about remote viewing on "Feet To The Fire," on CFXR Sunday nights from 7-11 p.m. central time. We remember we used to discuss this quite a bit years ago, and somebody asked "Is there any way to block remote viewers?" The answer is, yes. It's rather simple, really. If you build a structure that blocks out all radio waves, remote viewers cannot perceive anything inside that structure. It's invisible to them. As long as the people remain inside, the remote viewers cannot gain any information from them. American agencies discovered this by accident when they were working with their own programs, and put people in structures that were designed to prevent electronic evesdropping. They found it stopped the remote viewers as well. Of course it would be very difficult to keep people in such isolated structures forever, but if you had something you didn't want anybody to know about for awhile, you could hide your people away until you were ready to undertake the mission and give the remote viewers as little time as possible to gain any information. We know there are people that will argue this with us, but we know it works. We've seen it from experience.


...And I've looked over, and I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land. So I'm happy tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. ( Martin Luther King Jr. )

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