August 24, 2,006
Jesus "My Blood Made All Equal!"

How does Johnny Cash really think that country music fans can make an impression on Emmis Communications and get them to return KZLA-FM? Well, Johnny's plan is attack their bottom line, to boycott any products being advertised on the new station. Say Coca Cola products are being advertised on the new station. Get all country music fans in Los Angeles not to buy Coca Cola products for a week. If all of them took part, that's going to be a lot of unsold Coca Cola in Los Angeles. The second week of the boycott get country music lovers in all of California to stop buying Coke products. The third week go national! Continue to boycott Coke products until they agree not to advertise on any Emmis station until they return KZLA-FM.
Johnny says "I guarantee you, if cases of unsold Coke are piling up in Coke distributorships, they will be on the phone to the main company crying "Do something! Help us! We're going bankrupt!" After Coke stops advertising on Emmis boycott Pepsi. Probably if Coke is already dropped on Emmis Pepsi won't want to be hurt and will quickly concede. Then you keep going after advertisers until the board of directors at Emmis realize their executives are pretty damned stupid, remove them, and return KZLA-FM.
Johnny says it will work! It may take a little time, but if you effect the advertisers' bottom line, they're going to react. If the country music lovers can get those that enjoy rap and classical music and jazz to join in the boycott because their stations may be next, the effort would have even a better chance of success. If the people fight they can win! But if they do nothing, everybody loses.
Had a great interview with Kevin & Bean on KROQ, Los Angeles, California. We were asked why Johnny Cash and the other country music stars in The Afterlife care what happens in the material world. Their fans are their existence, their life, so to speak, and when their fans are attacked they feel they are being attacked. It's that simple! When people play Johnny Cash's music and think about him energy flows to him, and he uses that energy to help others. It's how the whole system works, and the country music stars in The Afterlife feel their fans in LA have been bitterly used, and they want them to rise up and do something about it, not just sit down and say "Oh, well, there's nothing we can do."
We mentioned in the interview how Gerald's powers are deteriorating. But almost before the interview was over power was flowing into him and they were perking back up a little! Whoever is listening when we're on that station are tremendous power givers! We talked a little about the horror of the attack on Muhammed, and that brought yet another surge, power flowing in to Muhammed. Every one of these interviews is so important, they are so very important!
We could not find any fan fiction site that we could use, so we've started our own at Tripod. We were interested in one then we found some of the fiction and some of their ads just too perverted for us. Hopefully Tripod won't take this site down. We explain that this is fan fiction, just for the enjoyment of our readers, and we make no claim on the characters. Here's the link to the beginning of the Superman story. There may be some other things later.

Linda has managed to get two more of our back issues back on line. We hope everyone will check them out when they have a chance. They include information about what happened just before our move from Fargo, ND to Bismarck last year, and one even has a description of the move itself. As usual, lots of interesting stuff! Here's the link

Jesus has ordered the removal of Rev. Timothy LaBouf of Watertown, NY, from The Book Of Life for blasphemy against God for firing Mary Lambert who has taught in his church for many years, only because she was a woman! Jesus says any minister that says women are still subjected under the old laws are denying salvation, and therefore, blasphmeing God's gift. Jesus says "My sacrifice, my blood washed away all sins, including the original sin of Eve making all persons equal before God, male, and, female! Peter taught this to the early church, but unfortunately Paul, who was afraid of women, opposed this teaching, and his followers, who later founded The Catholic Church hid Peter's teachings to this day. This false teaching that even got into The Scriptures must be corrected! The Catholic Church must acknowledge the truth, that my sacrifice made male and female equal, and that women are just as holy as men!" That ends Jesus' statement.


They Had Their Own Prophets

We have mentioned before that some of the alien races have religions almost exactly the same as Earth's religions....versions of Catholocism, Judaism and Islam, even a Bhuddist like religion! And people say "How could there be another Christ?" Well, simple! God created a Son on that world! The teachings of love are universal. They are the same, everywhere. There is not one of those worlds out there that has not gone through some of the same problems that we're having today! And they all managed to solve them by finding some way of getting along with one another. They found some way of saying "Well, I'm not going to kill my neighbor today! There's got to be a better way!" And they learned to share with one another. Some of them did it the right way, unfortunately some of them did it the wrong way. But they found an answer, and we have to find that answer, too. There has to be a way we can get along with each other!

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