September 8, 2,006
George Reeves Speaks Out On "

Gerald was having a wicked nightmare Thursday morning. He was dreaming he was Superman and flying all over Hollywood, breaking into places where police were trying to protect people. The police were firing tommy guns, m1s and revolvers at him, weapons they would've used in the '50s. Each person Superman got to was screaming "We were practicing our free speech! We were exercising our constitutional rights! We had a right to express our opinon!" To each one Superman would say "Express this!" and he'd literally rip their heads off! Gerald woke up in a sweat and wondered what was going on. Then Muhammed told him that he had a message that had been given to Jesus by George Reeves that George wanted Gerald to record. When Gerald heard the message he understood the dream. George is totally irate about the "Hollywoodland" movie, completely enraged over it! You'll have to visit the video to get his full comments, but he is angry! And we wouldn't want to be anyone that's had anything to do with making this movie!
George has commented that he will answer some questions on this matter, but he will only answer questions from one person, Jimmy Kimmel of "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" If he submits questions to him on the air he will have his replies sent to Gerald and Gerald will record them and put them up at You Tube. But this is the only way he will answer any questions. If anyone else says they are getting statements from him they are complete frauds, fakes! Because he will be speaking to no other psychic, giving information to no one else. He will be speaking only through us. We have not spoken to George directly. As we say, Gerald's powers are extremely limited right now. The problems he had with the fire Wednesday made getting this message through extremely difficult. Most of the time he can only pick up Muhammed. Even Jesus has to give Muhammed messages to be passed to him! It is a clumsy system but it is working. Messages can be passed so clearly that very little is lost. It is time consuming, however it is the best we can do right now. Gerald would've preferred to get some extra sleep this morning. But when handling a situation like this nothing can be done until it is finished. You have to get rid of a vibe like this, you can't hold onto it for long. This much anger is very hard to handle! Here's the link to the video.

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Illustration of Big Ben from "The Thunder Is Coming" by Kurt Cobain.

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