October 11, 2,007
Not Blindly, Again

John Lennon's birthday bash was a roaring success! The only disappointment he had was he asked some of our friends to play a special tribute to him at a certain time and they didn't. But that's all right! They've done so much for him already he doesn't mind.
We have "Here's Jesus!" episodes done up for a week, so if some emergency arose we would be all right.
Gerald had a crazy dream about somebody shooting him in the foot and when they were checking to make sure that no pieces of the bullet stayed in there they found pieces from something much older and asked Gerald where it could've come from. Gerald told them he had no idea! "Well, we'll have it analyzed," the doctor commented, "and see what it is." The tests came back that it was a minute piece of lead! These are the strangest dreams! Gerald thinks it might be caused because his feet are always bothering him, so the dream was expressing this as being shot. Sometimes that's what it feels like! They'll be fine, and then Gerald will turn or step just the right way, and ow! As long as he's walking normally they rarely bother. It's just certain movements that irritate. But that's the price of getting old!
We wish so very much that we could get some of Muhammed's messages to Iraq, make the people there understand what has happened to him. Where the killing is dying down the demons are starving again. More are being found every day, and when the insurgents are killed, or Al Quaida people they're not even getting out of their bodies! We really need to pick up some more souls there, save as many as we can. things are good, but we just would like that extra margin. We also wish we could get to Guantanamo and examine the captives there. The information they have might be old, but it still might be valuable. They may know things they don't even understand! But with the presidential campaign there's little doubt we won't be able to arrange that!
We found a local recording studio that charges $125 an hour. Not too bad, really! We're trying to find a local sax player, drummer, and guitarist to back Linda when she's recording some of the songs to see if we could put something half decent together. Don't know what we could come up with. But we'd sure like to have some good high quality versions. Gerald is also interested in doing some ads. So much to do, no time, and no money! We can raise power but we can't raise people. In Wednesday's "Here's Jesus!" The March 2,003 question is "What are Your comments on Easter?" and segment 2 is Jesus' letter to the people of America on taxes. As always a very important episode!


The Kingdom Of God is delighted to hear that Laura Bush is speaking out against the military Junta in Myanmar. It is a beginning! If We can get her to start speaking out on other things perhaps We can get her to join Gerald's campaign as his Vice Presidential Candidate. But it is good to see the lady beginning to use her power a little bit!
Gerald continues to email to Jewish Communities. Jesus wanted to make a comment on this effort. "The Jews that are now saying that they don't want to get involved in politics are doing the same thing The Jews did in Germany before World War II. We tried to warn them about Hitler, We tried to make them understand the danger, and that they should take action, defeat him in the polls and not let him take power. But The Jews said "No, we're reigious! Let the secular people worry about politics. To us it doesn't matter!" As they were herded into the gas chambers with their children and helplessly watched their children die they realized it did matter, but it was too late. The children of Israel cannot make the same mistake again! Who is put in power does matter! The creatures of Darkness are using a worse poison than gas, they are using sodomy that will not just destroy our children's bodies but will destroy their souls. They are teaching them to deny God, to deny God's purpose and do their own thing. They are leading them straight into eternal death! And the people of Israel must rise up as one and say "No! We will take part, we will support a candidate that will protect Israel and keep our children from sodomy, stop this sickness that is destroying them! We will not blindly walk into death again!" The people of Israel must join the effort for the sake of the world." This ends Jesus' comments.
Again there has been a small spiritual battle outside of Paris. We have no idea what the creatures of Darkness were after! But those defending the area noticed them concentrating and called for reinforcements. It turned into a three hour confrontation! The creatures of Darkness called in more reinforcements. The Kingdom Of God's Forces called in more reinforcements until the conflict became substantial. Finally realizing they were not going to succeed in whatever it is they wanted to do the demons withdrew. But why they have expended all this energy trying to get into Paris we do not know. They wanted to stop something there! We wish We knew what it was!


Before all else, we seek, upon our common labor as a nation, the blessings of Almighty God.
( Dwight D. Eisenhower )

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