January 5, 2,007
Did You Have A Headache Wednesday?

As we report on what is happening in the Afterlife people find it hard to believe that someone who has just died and has become a creature of Darkness could so quickly gain so much power and the leadership over others. To many it doesn't seem possible. Well, the answer is simple. Hussein always was a creature of Darkness, a thing of profound evil. He had merely taken on a human form. That is why he was able to control those around him that had a dark nature themselves. He sought them out and put them in positions of power, so they would feed his evil. Hussein has simply become in The Afterlife....well, not exactly The Afterlife, if he really entered The Afterlife he would be destroyed forever....he is trapped halfway between life and death, but that does not make him any less dangerous. Thank goodness Those Who Bear The Light have the power to leave The Afterlife and enter into this half life state every day and battle these foul creatures, or the world would fall into total chaos and be completely destroyed!
But Hussein has this dark power because he always had it. He used it while he was alive, and now he's using it while he's half dead, and his goal is to destroy all of mankind. He is one of those foul creatures that says "If I can't rule these people, if I can't have dominion over them, I will destroy them! I will let no one else have them! I will be worshipped or I will destroy everything!"
The first thing that should be done IMMEDIATELY is that Hussein's body should be dug up, it should be creamated, and his ashes spread to the winds, that those that worship him will have no focal point to transmit power to him. This should also be done with all of his henchmen when they are executed. Then, any public praise of Hussein should be forbidden. Anyone calling him his Islamic brother and a protector of Islam should be arrested and imprisoned. Anyone that tries to justify anything that Hussein did should be put out of office and be exiled from his country. We must do all in Our power to cut off the energy going to the foul creature so he can't attack The Bearers Of The Light any more. These would be hard things for the living to do. They love to praise these dark creatures, to relish in their power, to want to be like them, to be able to do anything they want to do and have no one question them. But such people must be stopped, they must be controlled before they destroy all in their lust for power.
We have been asked where Muhammed is in such great need of power should we cut back on Our efforts to reach The Anglican Church, and stop the sodomizing of it? Wouldn't it be better to devote all Our power to the battle to save Islam? Muhammed absolutely forbids this! We must continue the struggle on all fronts. We must save Christianity as well as Islam! We must fight the dark creatures determined to destroy it as well as those determined to destroy Islam, there is no alternative. We can't just win one battle. To save mankind We must win them all! The struggle must continue on all fronts!
To show that this is a worldwide problem we received the news that while Hussein and Muhammed were fighting Wednesday the life sustaining energy in the world for a time, dropped by fifteen per cent! We are looking for sudden, unexplained deaths among the elderly and a sudden increase in miscarriages especially in Iraq among those that support Hussein. But among Hussein's supporters elsewhere, as well, for the loss of life energy was not totally in Iraq.
There were definite losses throughout The United States, a one per cent drop over all, mostly in California. There was also a one per cent loss in The UK, and even some loss in France and Spain. Any place that there are those that support radical Islamic fundamentalism lost life energy, including Australia. This is not a problem isolated to Iraq, though the suffering there is the greatest. This situation is effecting the entire world! Anyone who had a severe headache Wednesday was feeling the effect of the drain of life energy. Jesus says whoever it is that makes the world aware of our messages, that gets us out there to the public and really makes the world aware of what is going on will be the greatest religious leader of his time. He will certainly be the one who will take the Christians to the stars! For Jesus is sure it will be a person of the Christian faith that will make the world aware of us, and become the greatest among his people. When The Lord Of Heaven says something like this you know what He's talking about is important! But somehow the creatures of Darkness determined to destroy mankind are tapping into the world's very life force and using it to sustain their battles! We must break that contact! There was another confrontation Thursday morning! It did not last as long as the first two, but it still occured. Hussein still insists he is the true leader of Islam and that Muhammed is finished, that his day is passed. He MUST be proven wrong or everything is lost!
Here's the link to the video that Linda did yesterday. Jesus is asking everyone to promote it. The world must know! Every hour that passes with people still supporting Hussein increases the danger that all is lost. Listen to the message, pass it on. Time is precious!



In Wednesday's "Here's Jesus!" episode Jesus is asked if God invited The Children Of The Lords to live with Him. And how are things with John Ritter? As always great stuff!




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