January 6, 2,007
It's Not The Flu

Right when we need every subscriber we have we lost one Thursday. Q104 in Cleveland, Ohio wrote and asked to be removed from our mailing list. Probably the person we have talked to has moved on, and the new people don't like our material. We're getting an awful lot of that lately, people we have been associated with for years suddenly disappearing. As another one of our associates said, that's the talk show racket, here today, Timbucktu tomorrow. But we'd actually like to be picking up more subscribers, especially to pass on the "Here's Jesus!" But We keep on truckin' no matter what! And unlike the post office, we don't even stop for holidays, because what happens in The Kingdom Of God very rarely takes a break for anything!
Gerald had two dreams Thursday morning. One about moving to Hollywood again. A friend of ours was in it saying "Please don't ever send an Angelic Messenger to me again! Just tell me when you want something! The Angelic Messengers scare me to death!" Gerald told him he didn't have much control over it. The Angelic Messengers oftentimes went where They wanted to! But he'd try to tell Them not to make any more visits. The second dream was about Dick Cheney. Again, it was located in California. Apparently Cheney had come there and wanted to speak with Gerald. Gerald said no, he didn't talk to the fathers of lesbians who encouraged their sickness. Cheney's secret service squad abducted Gerald off the street, even using a stun gun on him when he resisted! Gerald had Cheney charged with abduction, and there was a big court hearing where he had to appear. And Cheney said he was the Vice President and when he told his people to bring somebody, they came! They didn't tell him they didn't associate with his kind! He wouldn't be so humiliated! Gerald's lawyer said "So you think you're God, you snap your fingers and everybody's going to immediately obey you?" "I'm the Vice President!" Cheney screamed. "I'm the God damned Vice president! Nobody says they won't speak to me!" The judge ruled that Cheney and the secret service agents were way out of line and that all charges against Gerald had to be dropped, and that criminal proceedings should be begun on the secret service agents. That was about the end of the dream, except the local district attorney saying he could not file charges until Cheney left office, but he would file charges. Now that's some powerful dreaming! You can bet what President Bush would do just before he left office....a whole bunch of pardons!
In Thursday's "Here's Jesus!" He comments on what became of The Old Worlds. Is there anything left? Could They be reinhabited? And He also speaks on President Ford's pardon of Richard Nixon. Stuff that makes you wonder! Here's the links!



We've been getting a lot of comments that the "Here's Jesus!" episodes are amusing. We find very little amusing about three worlds that have been utterly destroyed and made absolutly uninhabitable! But some people seem to be amused by very strange things! Look at Borat! How could anybody think THAT is funny? But a lot of people do. There's no accounting for taste! As long as we're not asked to meet with him anywhere! He's an insult to the decent people he pretends to be. They have every right to say they're disgusted!
As Hussein and Muhammed battled again it was noticed that the energy drain wasn't quite as intense, only about a tenth of the life energy world wide. But Those in The Afterlife believe it is causing physical symptoms among the living; vomiting and diahrreah. It seems to be spread out over much of the world, probably mistaken for some kind of flu or something. But the drain has obviously been going on for some time. And the dark forces have been storing power they have been stealing from the living in the hopes of causing an uprising in Iraq. Somehow they have been transmitting it into Iraq, probably through living couriers, many of whom who are probably dying! But as long as Muhammed continues to keep Hussein engaged every day, continues to force him to fight to maintain his claim of superiority, he cannot use this power for other purposes. That is why We need more power to keep Muhammed's levels at their peak. The Prophet must not weaken!
Greald was having a horrible dream Friday morning that babies were being born dead everywhere, and that the only cure was for us to go from country to country and keep bringing in spiritual energy. People were rioting everywhere for us to come. Geraldo Rivera was travelling with us as a press agent reporting on what was happening as we went around the world! He kept asking "Is there any hope? Is there any hope?" and Gerald told him "There is always hope if we can stop the hate. There is always hope! But we've got to stop the hate! That is the only way!" It's impossible to describe the things that were occuring in the dream. It's worse than anything anybody could imagine! People everywhere were simply desperate. Talk about a nightmare!


Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. ( Theodore Roosevelt )

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