January 6, 2,007
Somethin's Workin'!

Angered by what Hussein said Friday Jesus joined in the battle against Hussein Friday. Mary Magdalene joined him, the rest of The Apostles and their wives. Hussein was enraged. "You bring whores to fight us," he cried "you defile your women by putting swords in their hands. You make them things of evil! You are not men, you are cowards! You hide behind your women, you let them fight your battles!"
Mary Magdalene came out before the others and raised her sword. "You are a lot of foul smelling wind!" she cried. "You say you are a man, I say you are nothing! You would not even be able to fight me! You fear us, that is why you don't want us here, because you know we are superior to you! Come out and fight me!" "No!" Hussein screamed, "I will not disgrace myself by fighting a woman! I will not so dishonor myself. Return to your place, slut! Let your men hide behind you, but I will not disgrace myself by fighting you!"
Muhammed came out and motioned Mary Magdalene back. "As you say," he remarked, "the coward fears you. He will not fight you. Stand ready. His foul creatures will break their word. They will attack when their foul leader who is strengthening himself by drawing the life of children is being vanquished you will have an opportunity to fight and to show your skill. Await your opportunity!"
Again Muhammed and Hussein fought for some time, and just as Muhammed predicted when their leader was losing ground the creatures of Darkness tried to jump in and attack Muhammed. Also as Muhammed predicted, Mary Magdalene showed her skill. They had barely engaged and she sent a creature of Darkness to eternal death and closed on Hussein. He immediately withdrew, taking his followers with him.
When Muhammed and his Forces went out for the afternoon battle the creatures of Darkness were nowhere to be seen! They would not even come out and fight! It appears they're a lot more afraid of the ladies than they care to admit. And again, the drain of the world's life energy was a little bit less, a little over 9%. Probably the best thing for Hussein would be for him to keep his mouth shut. Every time he opens it he puts his foot in it and gets himself in more trouble. As Mary Magdalene says "If he wants a fight he's got one!" This is one lady you don't want to make mad! After all, she keeps company with The Son Of God!
We have been asked how the ladies of Heaven, or, The Kingdom Of God, or whatever you want to call It, suddenly got so formidable. Well, with the ongoing crisis They thought it might be necessary for Them to go into battle, so they went to Durga, the Hindu goddess of war, and asked her to train Them! Durga borrowed The Valkyrie from Odin and some months ago started a combat school, where she has been training the women of Heaven to fight! Apparently she has trained Them very well! The Islamic women have made a good account of themselves in several recent battles, and now the ladies of The Kingdom Of God have shown the demons They're something to be reckoned with. These ladies are spoiling for a fight! They're tired of sitting back and doing nothing. If the creatures of Darkness are smart, they'll keep their distance! And before anybody asks, yes! Even Mary, Jesus' mother, has been seen wearing a sword and carrying a shield! She has chosen to keep her party at The Gates Of Heaven and to reinforce That when Its Guards are needed elsewhere. I wouldn't want to make an assault on Heaven's Gate! Anyone doing it could get an awful surprise! The Kingdom Of God can't hold back any of Its resources. This is a do or die battle, and Everyone must take part. Though He prefers to let others do the fighting, even The Lord Of Heaven has gone into the field. That tells you how bad the situation is!
Linda made a video of the beginning of this email and put it up at You Tube at Jesus' insistance, as He wanted this message gotten out as soon as possible. Here's the link. He again says He offers a great reward to whoever can get people to take our Work seriously. He will make that person, male or feamale, one of the greatest of our time, perhaps one of the greatest ever!


In Friday's "Here's Jesus!" He explains why Those of The Kingdom Of God need to leave Earth, and how Mary gets things done in The Afterlife. Phenomenal lady! Here's the link!



One of those mysteries has occured that We wish We knew the cause of because We'd like to repeat it elsewhere, but there's been a sudden surge of energy in California that has sealed off the life energy flowing out of it to Hussein! We have been trying to find out if some of our associates there have done something but thusfar cannot find anything. Whatever has happened shows that Hussein's power can be stopped! Somebody, somewhere got the message and has raised the barriers around that particular place. If We could reach others it could be done elsewhere. We can cut Hussein's power!
Here's a little something Gerald did for the grandson of one of our friends. We hope you enjoy it!


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