May 30, 2,007
Struggling Back

Father Abraham totally irate! Our post on the Netscape forum didn't stay up five minutes and then when we posted on some other topics, purely innocent things, just some cute statements, they were taken down as fast as we put them up. Father Abraham says that as soon as the crisis is over he is going to make it his personal mission to destroy AOL. Everybody is saying "But it only may be a couple of people doing this! That isn't right! Why would We want to put thousands of people out of jobs because of insignificant little things like this?" It's not insignificant little things! They're blocking our ability to reach the public with The Kingdom Of God's messages while other people are putting up total crap, complete nonsense, discussing foolishness. It is a major matter! Those in The Kingdom Of God are desperately looking for some way to make us recognized without totally devastating the life force on Earth, to get people to take notice. But They're at a loss because right now so many people know we're absolutely real and simply won't speak! They would prefer to let the Earth die before they would admit they had received a message personally, from God. It absolutely terrifies so many people! They know the messages are true, they know they should act, but they're just terrified of other peoples' opinions and We simply don't know what to do. We're afraid that in a short time our efforts will become useless, that nothing we will be able to do will save mankind. We have the power, We have the authority but nobody wants us to use it. They would rather let everyone die. Of course by the time the world starts dying and people are screaming for help it will be too late. We will be proven right, but hell of a lot of good that will do Us! But anyway, We wouldn't want to be anybody working for AOL in the next few years from the top to the bottom, because Father Abraham and his operatives are going to be looking for any little thing. Remember Enron? They did a great job there! We wonder how well AOL is keeping their books?
There was a serious dip in the power levels in The Kingdom Of God for three hours on Monday. We believe it was caused simply by the fact that those supplying power to The Kingdom Of God were simply overloaded. More power sources are desperately needed, people willing to speak out publicaly and say they believe in The Kingdom Of God's cause and support it. But We don't know how to get them. Everybody hates the truth so much.
In Monday's "Here's Jesus!" He answers the questions "What is The Kingdom Of God's opinion of archeologists who recover mummies?" and "What do You think of the advice columnist who gave bad advice?" Wow!

And speaking of evidence that we're true, if there's any government types out there listening the experts in The Afterlife have some advice for them. If they want their grandchildren to have any food, they'd better get some plankton from somewhere and dump it in the active parts of the South Pacific, because there isn't enough there right now, and if the levels aren't brought up in a few years it's going to be a serious condition! But a little action now would save a lot of grief in the future. Of course nobody's gonna listen. The living experts will say they know better! We're also looking for evidence of crop failures in Asia in the last few days, especially during the spiritual fighting among delicate plants like flowers and such. It will appear that they have suffered frost damage when there couldn't possibly have been any frost. If anybody hears any reports of such happenings and people wondering what caused it, We can tell them. The creatures of Darkness were even drawing life energy from plants and feeding it into the system to fight Jesus and The Kingdom Of God! They were trying to spread it out but We don't think they could've taken that much energy without doing damage to some crops, somewhere! The effort that they went to in this last battle was simply unbelievable! Demons can get very little sustanance from plants, it only gives them a supply of energy that they can use immediately, at the time. They were getting every bit of energy that they could for that battle, and still they failed! We will be looking for more homosexual leaders to die and others. The deaths should be sudden and unexpected. The creatures of darkness are still desperate for food! The normal death rate isn't enough to sustain them after all they put out. They will be trying to cause mass murders, and, accidents that will kill many people at once. Everyone should be vigilant!
We've been asked about Charles Nelson Reilly, "He was 76, so he died. What difference does it make?" Well, Those in The Afterlife say that if the creatures of Darkness had not been feeding on him he would've lived to well over a hundred and been spry and active through most of that time! He had a splendid genetic inheritance. But the creatures of Darkness feeding on him shortened his material existence by nearly twenty-five years, and destroyed his spiritual existence completely! We think that's a considerable loss!

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Options Reply #17 of 74 Posted May-25 9:20 PM From Marty Posts 1400 Last 7:34 AM To *teri* >>And is there any chance that Elvis will be participating? I really miss him. >>
Actually, Elvis was spotted this morning at the 7-11 directly across the street from the cemetary in Ellsworth Maine.

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