August 18, 2,007
Talent From Everywhere!

We have to finish the story of the song we got yesterday before we do anything else because it is so incredible! As we have said there is a battle of the bands going on around Los Angeles between demons who are summoning still living performers and The Forces Of God who are using Their finest talents. The demons singing opposite Beatles & Friends began to do a take off on a '60s anti war song saying that The Kingdom Of God's Forces were beaten and there was nothing They could do, that the creatures of Darkness were going to win. Kurt Cobain came over and joined John Lennon listening to the song. Just before the demons got done the author of the original song suddenly appeared on the stage beside them with his hands on his hips staring angrily at the demons across the way. When the song got done he looked at John and Kurt and said "I don't agree with you guys in alot of things, but I don't like that at all! Come on! Let's answer them!" And right there on the stage these three incredible performers made up this song as they went along, answering the demons! The stuff that is hapening is just absolutely incredible! It is just phenomenal! The demons haven't got a prayer! Here's a link to the audio that Linda did Thursday, but we wish somebody would do a really good version of it!

In Thursday's "Here's Jesus!" we feature an episode from December, 2,002 in which He answers the questions "What happened to all the treasure the wise men gave you?" and "Did the slaughter of the innocents by Herod actually happen?" More of those details you won't wanna miss!

We've been asked "Why do the demons need to bring live performers to these battles, and why aren't we naming them?" Well, to put it bluntly, when a famous singer becoms a demon afterwards they can't sing worth crap! They're absolutely horrible! They couldn't carry a tune, as they used to say, in a basket! So the only way they can compete with the talent that is in The Kingdom Of God is to possess a living singer and add their talents together. We have to admit this is quite effective. It makes some really great singers in the material world, and some of them really don't do that much harm, except to themselves. But that's why the demons need to bring in living singers to do their dirty work, so to speak and battle The Forces Of God. As to why we're not naming names, we don't want to be sued every five minutes! It might be great for our publicity, but it would simply tie us up too much. We'll just let people guess who those are that are doomed forever. And it probably won't be too difficult for people to figure out who's working with the demons. Just check the rehab centers!
The energy to the demons from the recent 500 deaths in Iraq haven't been been used there. It has been spread out to be used in The United States towards their battles with The Forces Of God in Los Angeles and Ellsworth, Maine. There are still starving demons in Iraq!
Gerald was having the weirdest dream Friday morning about putting a city together with giant helicopters! Four of them would carry ten or fifteen story buildings and they would be lowered into prepared sites. Gerald kept asking the crew that was working with him if they were going to be ready by winter when they would be forced to shut down, and the foreman of the crew said "No problem! If we don't get a few buildings in there'll be enough for everybody until spring and we can fly in the rest of the buildings then." Gerald kept saying "Great! Great!" There was also a group of children in the dream of all different races that was following Gerald around everywhere he went, saying things like "You promised us ice cream, father!" or, "When are we going to the playground?" and things like that. Gerald would take them to places that were already open and get them treats. Dreams can be weird! Definitely a frustration dream! But there's no way even four giant helicoptors could carry buildings that big without some kind of anti gravity! Oh! Gerald kept arguing in the dream that the place wasn't going to be called Polleyville. He kept saying "You can call it anything but Polleyville!"
The battle of the bands continued for about half the night Thursday in Los Angeles. Then Friday morning it turned into a real battle! The demons finished one number and then the rest of them attacked. The Defenders were more than ready, however, and the demons were more than beaten back! What surprised Everyone was after they withdrew the demonistic bands didn't return. But the demons started their accursed howling again. Maybe their band members are just played out, can't hack it, can't take it! But again The Kingdom Of God believes We are doing serious harm to the creatures of Darkness, disrupting their feeding stations. The only thing They saw as a negative note in the news was that a woman in Germany who had been a member of a terrorist group and murdered an American soldier was given parole. That is why The Kingdom Of God does not like life imprisonment because sooner or later somebody feels sorry for these creatures of Darkness and returns them to the public, giving them another opportunity to hurt God's children. "Oh, they've been punished enough!" they complain. But as far as The Kingdom Of God is concerned they haven't been. Life imprisonment should be just that, life imprisonment!


( Groucho Marx )

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