done! He who is worthy has become one with You. Your Servants' numbers are again enough to carry on Your Work, but we are not yet whole, Our Father. Our numbers are not yet enough. Glorify Your Worthy Servant, Oh Lord, that what he has done may be recognized among man, and that we may return to the number that we should be. But in all things, Our Father, in all ways, Your Will, not ours be done."

With this The Apostles will break Their circle, Jesus will emerge from The Holiest Of All, announcing each of The Apostles as They emerge, Muhammed and his wife coming out last.

That is probably a pretty good facimilie of what will happen in The Holiest Of All. I should mention that while this part of the Celebration is taking place, while Jesus and The Apostles are in The Holiest Of All, a choir made up of Islamic singers from around the world will be singing a melody of Islamic songs that have been chosen by Muhammed for the occasion, at Muhammed's request.

After They emerge from The Holiest Of All Jesus will turn to Muhammed and say "Apostle, mount your Tower Of Announcements! Speak to all the people. For The Hour is at hand. You are now God's Chosen, more than you were before. Though there is no question that you were His Chosen before. For you spoke His Wisdom before. You suffered for The Truth Of God, and therefore now are glorified by God. Go forth, Apostle Muhammed. Go forth and address the people!"

With this Muhammed will, for the first time, climb The Tower Of Announcements that was previously used by The Apostle Peter and deliver his first address as an Apostle. Apostle to be Muhammed is working on this address and hopes to give it to us in a couple of days, with his desire that it be given to the present leader of The Islamic People, The King Of Saudi Arabia, with the request that it be read throughout The Islamic World in every mosque at midnight on the day of his ascension. But strangely The Apostle To Be will not let me send it to The Saudi King. He says and I quote, "He must come and receive my words, having faith that they are truly given. The Voice Of The Prophets cannot go unto him, but he must come unto The Voice Of The Prophets. For this is God's wish, and God's command."

At the conclusion of The Apostle's first address to his people, he will ask all present to sing the song "Come And Love The Little Children." Then The Muslims will present a grand review to their Apostle. For over an hour Muslims from throughout history will march before The Apostle as he stands in his Tower Of Announcement and acknowledges Them. Then The Apostle will descend from his Tower, and ten Muslims, five men and five women, speaking alternately will come to the center of The Holy Of Holies and speak for about a half an hour, each on what it is like to be a Muslim, and how joyous They are, and how thankful They are for this day, and, this hour. Saladin The Great will be the first to speak, but I have no further information on who else will be speaking.

At the end of these speeches Jesus will withdraw from His Throne, having completed His honor of the new Apostle, and Muhammed will mount his Tower Of Announcements and cry "It is done! I, a new Apostle, now sit on Peter's throne. From this day forth it shall be called Muhammed's throne. Let the old monument before The Apostle's home remain, but on the morrow let a new one be placed there, proclaiming the life and the accomplishments of God's new High Servant. Let those who come and admire his home, and ask audience with him know, without question, who dwells therein, and who, therein, serves God! Depart, now! Depart now to your private celebrations. God's Will is done!" And this would end the official ceremonies for Muhammed's elevation to Apostleship.

However, after these ceremonies are concluded, there shall be a special concert at Muhammed's request given by Beatles & Friends, and followed by a concert by Kurt Cobain And The Wonders, where there shall be great feasting and celebration. Then the ceremonies shall officially conclude.

Of course none of this can be accomplished without The Islamic People in the material world. None of it can take place until they acknowledge God's message and accept The Prophet's elevation to Apostle, and declare Muhammed's replacement. Without the energy from those in the material world the bonding of The Kingdom Of God and The Islamic Paradise could never take place, and Muhammed would be unable to ascend to Apostle and The Hall Of Judgment will be empty. This ceremony is very much like the one that took place for the elevation of The Prophet Joseph Smith when he became The Keeper Of The Gates so Lord Peter could take over temporary rule of The Kingdom Of God. But now, because of Peter's absence, The Kingdom Of God officially has no Ruler until Muhammed is elevated, and can serve in Peter's place or, until Hillary Clinton is removed from power and Jesus will again retake His Throne. The only other possibility would be if Demetrius, Speaker Gerald Polley, wins the Presidency, in November, 2,008, then Jesus would return to His Throne. But right now the rest of The Apostles are operating The Kingdom Of God as a committee. There is no Ruler, and will not be until either Jesus retakes His Throne, or, Muhammed is elevated. These are the most trying times!

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