An Open Letter To The King Of Saudi Arabia
From Speaker Gerald Polley

I am afraid I am the bearer of very bad news. Muhammed had us send a copy of the proposal that We have been holding for your people today because he wanted you to see what you were rejecting, what We were offering. Jesus has sealed The Kingdom Of God. No one will be able to enter It any more. Muhammed has sealed Paradise. No one will be allowed to enter It any more. Moses is setting up a place outside The Kingdom Of God where those that keep The Laws Of God can be housed until the end comes, which shall probably begin in thirty years or so. I have asked The Vice President to let us know if there's any unexplained crop failures or reports of animals not reproducing. If you have any knowledge of any incidents like this We would appreciate you sharing them with Us.
I must also tell you something else. Muhammed has decided that when Jesus leaves on the 7th of November, never to return, he will go with Him, as no one believes in him any more either. The Afghanis wanting to negotiate with The Taliban was the last straw, all he could stand. Negotiating with murderers and rapists is beyond his bearing, and like Jesus he has said enough. He has been offered another world, people that will follow him without question, and only do good in his name, and he is going to go there, giving Paradise over to his son in law. The only thing that will fix this is if The First Lady answers God's call and The Islamic People approve of his elevation. There can be nothing else, unless We can get The Christians to rally to Jesus, and say "Enough of this evil!" The Islamic People will lose out as well.
There was talk about trying to help the situation in Afghanistan by negotiating for a ten mile strip of land from The Afghanis and from The Pakistanis, making a twenty mile wide republic in that area. But it would be impossible. Because We would not have the manpower to establish it. But if We could it would make a zone through which The Taliban would have to pass in order to attack Afghanistan, that could be patrolled by international forces, making it more difficult for them. Unfortunately Muhammed can have some good ideas, that just can't be implemented.
This will be our last letter. Jesus has told us to stop wasting Our time. But He does want me to let you know how much He wishes you would fulfill Muhammed's desires and do the things that he asks you to do. Because they would be the glorification of your people. The fundamentalists will only bring your people death and destruction. They will only make all of Islam hated. Fighting for God's true causes will glorify Islam, and make it one of the greatest religions that has ever existed. I cannot tell you how much this would please God!

A Servant Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever


Ghostly Phenomena

We've been asked if the incredibly high levels of energy in The Afterlife is responsible for all the ghost phenomena that has been going on lately, the amazing pictures of a spectre in an exercise room fascinated everybody! But We actually believe this was a creature of Darkness, not a ghost. All the exercise equipment, especially dense metal objects would absorb a great deal of spiritual energy while people were exercising. Many demons are desperate for energy. It is apparent that one of them went into this exercise room to draw off what he could from the metal objects there, far better than it feeding other places. We have had reports of people seeing strange phenomena from all over the world, from ghostly lights in elephant herds in India, to spectral figures in old castles in Scotland, again places that would store spiritual energy from people that were visiting them, or, places that have animals that produce a tremendous amount of energy. It is apparent that some of this energy is not traveling into The Spirit Realm. There is so much surplus it is gathering in the material world, and the desperate creatures of Darkness are feeding on it. Even the best of things have their negative side, but We're far too busy to guard every single place where creatures of Darkness might feed.


Drone Makers Beware!

Was watching a program about drones the other day, how the air force and army are using more and more of them, and We were asked if people used them on The Old Worlds in warfare. Well, for a very short time, and then somebody figured out how to jam their control systems, how to knock out computers in aircraft from a great distance, making them plummet from the sky. As this equipment was very cheap and very simple to make, drones became virtually useless, and everybody returned to simple manned aircraft with very little computerized equipment, or equipment that was heavily shielded. A simple scientific discovery for a time, made every sophisticated aircraft virtually useless, and those countries that had simple aircraft without alot of electronic gizmos were the ones that dominated the skies for quite a while. We don't doubt that this will happen on Earth, as well. It's happened just about every place else! Computers are marvelous. But when they can be easily disabled, the best computer of all is the good old human brain. It can make some damn good calculations too! Probably about the time that We're ready to build space ships is the time that We'll also be able to shield computers from electronic interference. But for the next hundred years drone makers beware!

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