October 12, 2,008

An Open Letter From The Emperor Hirohito Of Japan
To His Successor The Emperor Akihito
Shared With The Media Of Washington, DC And Los Angeles, CA

Most Glorious Greetings To My Rising Sun, The Glory Of My Days!

I write to you today on a most disturbing matter. On the back of this letter is the official decree of Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ, announcing that He is resigning and abandoning mankind. This is a disaster that the people of Japan would not be able to survive, and we must do all in our power to prevent. With most deepest respect I ask you to encourage the media of Japan, all newspapers to translate this decree into Japanese and publish it so that all in Japan will know the dark hours that we face. Then, I ask you to encourage the government of Japan to contact the American government and have them establish some cooperation, find some way of negotiating a settlement and fulfilling some of Jesus wishes so that He will not depart. Though Christianity might not be as wide spread in Japan as other places, if Christianity falls, if The Kingdom Of God fails, all else will fail with It. Therefore, it is of grave interest to The Japanese People to see to it that this tragedy does not occur. Every hour that passes is precious. We cannot fail. We must awaken the world to what is happening so that the great rewards that The Children Of The Stars are offering to those that assist Them in these terrible times may be made manifest.

For a tiny bit of land, for a few small islands that The Children would be able to call their own and would give them roots in Asia they would give to the people of Asia an entire world in the stars, equal to Earth, a new home in the heavens. They have promised this to The Muslims and The Christians as well if they will turn from the Darkness that is obsessing them, and return to The Light. The one through whom I speak, The Muslims call two things, The Voice Of The Prophets and, The Father Of Fathers becase they believe that when his people arrived on Earth he had three sons by an Earth woman, and those sons became the Fathers of the entire world, that every race on Earth carries their descendancy. I, too, believe this. I believe one of his descendants was the founder of The Japanese Dynasty, that we are descended from that flesh that he possessed untold ages ago, that he is as much our Father as he is the Father of The Islamic People. He will argue this with you, he will say it cannot be, but do not listen to him. There are some responsibilities that he does not want to take, some honors that he does no want to receive because he wants others to take these places. But that that is so cannot be denied.

I ask you, in the name of The People Of Japan to establish a dialogue with him, to find out what his people desire, and make the contracts with him that he wishes, and have them ratified by the government of Japan. It will be to Japan's neverending glory, and will undo many mistakes that we have made in the past, and bring honor to those who have fallen. Never have Those That Bear The Light been so powerful, never have They been so strong. They are wiping Their enemies from before Them, destroying Those who oppose Them. I do not wish any in Japan to feel Their wrath, I only want them to feel the joys of Their blessings, the happiness of their kindness. They will not make any person do anything against their will. It is not Their way. But They will punish those who are doing evil, and surely The People Of Japan have learned this lesson bitterly. Let us not learn it again! Let us instead be right with them and be in favor with them so that it is not Their wrath that is poured out against us, but Their blessings that pour upon us.

He Who Shares The Divine Light
With All Who Seek It,
Now, And, Forever

A Note From Speaker Gerald Polley

We continue to spread the news of Jesus resignation, but we are running out of time and resources. We have sent 121 surface mails to world leaders through their embassies here in The United States. This cost us $50.84 in postage, about $15.00 for ink, and probably about $2.00 for paper, maybe a couple of more dollars for envelopes. All totaled we've spent about $70.00 doing God's Work while those who are opposing us have spent millions. But as the good Emperor above has said, The Kingdom Of God is removing Its enemies. O.J. Simpson has finally been convicted of a crime that will put him in prison for some time, and his wife is at rest. The racist in Austria that has caused so much misery to so many has been eliminated, the murderer of his wife, who, for so long escaped justice has been destroyed forever. Predictions that we have made are coming true. But The Kingdom Of God is still disappointed that Its power can only be used to destroy, that the people will not answer their call and use their power to create, to build a better world. They stubbornly hold on to their jealousy, lust, and greed, and they will not become what God wants them to be.

However, The Forces Of God will continue to fight, They will continue to seek their enemies and destroy their power. The only question is, will They be too late? Once Jesus is gone He will not return. We have brought Him back once, but the people have failed Him again. There is no Presidential candidate The Kingdom Of God can back. God is asking all of Christianity not to vote, to show their contempt for the system by not taking part in its evil. We cannot succeed alone. Unless God's children can be awakened they will lose the most precious Gift they have been given. It is now up to the media of the world. In "Jesus Christ, Superstar" Jesus is asked "Why did you come in such a strange time, and such a strange place where there was no mass communication?" Well now there is mass communication. The people can be reached around the world. The only problem is, they're not listening. How do We make them listen? How many messages do We have to send?

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